We are joined by our United States Trade Representative, Ambassador Ron Kirk, and our great ambassadors John Beyrle and Sergey Kislyak.
Earlier this month, Charlene Barshefsky, the United States trade representative, threatened to take a telecoms complaint against Mexico to the World Trade Organisation.
Previously, Mr. Weiss served as a senior negotiator on regulatory, standards and conformance matters in the Office of the United States Trade Representative (USTR).
Time and again in the past two decades, American businessmen have complained to the United States trade representative that the Japanese market was impossible to break into, despite low tariffs.
He recently stepped down as United States Trade representative.
They have requested that the United States Trade Representative ask President Barack Obama to revoke the trade preferences Argentina now enjoys, and are lobbying to block its access to World Bank loans.
According to the Office of the United States Trade Representative in Mexico, trade there is up 377 percent since 1993 ( t he North American Free Trade Agreement began Jan. 1, 1994).
FORBES: For American Exporters, Mexico Is The China Next Door
The United States Trade Representative, in consultation with other members of the Export Promotion Cabinet, shall take steps to improve market access overseas for our manufacturers, farmers, and service providers by actively opening new markets, reducing significant trade barriers, and robustly enforcing our trade agreements.
WHITEHOUSE: Executive Order 13534 - National Export Initiative
Executive Order 11651 of March 3, 1972, as amended, established the Committee for the Implementation of Textile Agreements (CITA), consisting of representatives of the Departments of State, the Treasury, Commerce, and Labor, and the Office of the United States Trade Representative, with the representative of the Department of Commerce as Chairman, to supervise the implementation of textile trade agreements.
Robert Zoellick, the United States' Trade Representative, this week met his counterparts from the Caribbean, who are worried about their small countries' ability to compete.
The Trans-Pacific Partnership was first embraced in the United States by the State Department as a potential tool of foreign policy, and not by the U.S. Trade Representative as a possible trade initiative.
FORBES: Soured U.S.-China Relationship Approaches Inflection Point