Their comparative success might confirm fears the government already has about its promise to introduce universal suffrage in 2017.
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But some scholars see room for improvement at the local level, even without yet tackling the question of universal suffrage.
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Experiments launched under Mr Zhao with the election of village chiefs by universal suffrage have been extended throughout the countryside.
Residents increasingly feel that they are being strung along with stall tactics because Beijing has no intention of honoring its commitment to universal suffrage.
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Israel is a vibrant, Western-style democracy, with universal suffrage, freedom of the press and freedom of religion supporting Israel does not contradict the freedom agenda.
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The Basic Law allows for the possibility no more than that of universal suffrage for both the legislature and for the post of chief executive after 2007.
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Fortunately or unfortunately, they are quite incompatible with the theocratic ones: the popular sovereignty implicit in universal suffrage is completely at odds with the sovereignty of God.
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The ban is an anachronism: it dates back to the days before universal suffrage, when felons forfeited their property, ownership of which was a condition for voting.
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Since only one-third of the 60 seats are elected through geographical constituencies and universal suffrage, it does not matter to the government that since elections last May these have been held overwhelmingly by democrats.
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