Today, the pair's modern counterparts in the university city continue to work on DNA's complexities.
Santa Maria is a major university city with a population of around a quarter of a million.
At the same time, the course is set in the heart of a charming University city, steps from castle ruins and countless colorful pubs.
"Timbuktu in the 14th to the 16th century was an important university city where many manuscripts referring to knowledge of astronomy, economy, religion, mathematics, physics, and medicine were produced, " said Lazare Eloundou, chief of the Africa unit for UNESCO's World Heritage Center.
The two new institutions join the University of Birmingham, Aston University and Birmingham City University.
It has been said that Oxford is more like a city with a university, while Cambridge is more like a university with a city around it.
Those records revealed cases against the Department of Corrections, the State University of New York, the City University of New York, the Office of Mental Health and a psychiatric hospital.
Gregory Clark at the University of California, Davis, and Neil Cummins of City University of New York, for instance, have tracked families with rare surnames.
One of the couple's two daughters is working in the northern city of Hamburg, while the other is attending a university in the city of Weimar.
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The bureau, based at London's City University, is an independent body and a not-for-profit operation.
This emerges from a calculation by Philip Booth and Geoffrey Wood, economists at City University.
Kobren, a Brooklyn native, graduated from the City University of New York and received an M.
He returned to the ring in 2004 while studying sports science at Dublin City University.
And, as Donna Simpson of City University points out, farmers like an immobile labour force.
Megan Owen, who is studying criminology, volunteered to help at one recent event in Birmingham City University.
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City University of New York is saying goodbye to its Art Deco headquarters on Manhattan's East Side.
Mr. Kotkin is a presidential fellow in urban futures at Chapman University and a City Journal contributing editor.
In the business-school market, London Business School and City University London's Cass Business School both launched executive M.
It is a view echoed by Roy Greenslade, professor of journalism at City University, London, and a former tabloid editor.
Lourdes Basabe-Desmonts is a Research Fellow at the Biomedical Diagnostics Institute, Dublin City University, her location of choice since 2006.
Tests can be taken on two days a week from either the university's city centre site or the Clifton campus.
And he quoted from a City University in London study to back claims that children of lesbian mothers suffer no disadvantage.
Degree leader in music industries at Birmingham City University, Andrew Dubber, believes the company will not have a massive impact on sales.
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In University Place, city leaders earlier this year campaigned on television and online to counter concerns that the city was going broke.
"Once I'm on the ice, it's just me and Isaac Newton, " says Kaku, a professor at the City University of New York.
Money from the David and Elaine Potter Foundation is funding the Bureau of Investigative Journalism (BIJ), based at City University in London.
The City University of New York was the target of a federal discrimination complaint in January by a 27-year-old honors student from Manhattan.
Dr Lourdes Basabe-Desmonts will use her For Women In Science Fellowship to support her research at the Biomedical Diagnostics Institute, Dublin City University.
That may not be sustainable forever, argues Jeff Jarvis, director of the Tow-Knight Center for Entrepreneurial Journalism at City University of New York.
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One of the many listed recipients: Ruth Madoff at the Queens College Foundation, which raises money for the City University of New York.