• The university archaeology department head, Prof Martin Bell, said the Severn Estuary was exceptional in its evidence of the plants used by Mesolithic people, thousands of years before farming began.

    BBC: Footprint

  • Eventually, he said goodbye to the police and took his experience to Indiana University where he became head of its department of forensic studies for 30 years.

    ECONOMIST: Robert Borkenstein

  • D. from Northwestern University, Robertson was a professor and head of the marketing department at Wharton from 1971 to 1994 before developing international programs at Emory University and at the London Business School.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • D. from Northwestern University, Robertson was a professor and head of the marketing department at Wharton from 1971 to 1994 before developing international programs at Emory University (where he was also dean of its Goizueta Business School) and at the London Business School.

    FORBES: Case Study: Global Degrees

  • He is Dean of Graduate Studies and former Head of the University's Department of International Politics.

    UNESCO: Purpose/Objectives of the Chair

  • Moravec, currently head of the music department at Adelphi University, has taught at Harvard, Columbia, Dartmouth and Hunter College.

    NPR: Moravec Wins Music Pulitzer

  • Works made after Woodruff's 1931 return to the U.S. (to head Atlanta University's newly established art department) seem to back away from modernism.

    WSJ: Rising Up: Hale Woodruff's Murals From Talladega College | High Museum of Art | From Mutiny to Harmony | By Karen Wilkin

  • Ruth Striegel-Moore, head of the psychology department at Wesleyan University, has done several studies involving the prevalence of eating disorders among women of color.

    NPR: Roundtable: Black Women and Body Image

  • Prof Henry Maitles, head of the education department at the University of the West of Scotland, agrees that 18 is an "arbitrary" age to decide on adulthood and says that some places have gone further in order to ensure responsible behaviour.

    BBC: The strange status of 16-year-olds

  • Rotella became head of the sports psychology department at the University of Virginia in 1976.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • "Like having a 25-pound baby, " says Robert Elkin, head of Pennsylvania State University's poultry science department.

    WSJ: Big Chocolate Eggs May Be Big, but Big Hen's Eggs Not So Much

  • Ramez Maluf, head of the Department of Journalism at Balamand University in Lebanon, has been tracking that reaction.

    NPR: How The Syria Debate Is Playing Out In The Middle East

  • It's co-authored by Brent Bowen, the head of the Department of Aviation Technology at Purdue University, and Dean Headley of Wichita State.


  • Nils-Axel Morner, head of the Paleogeophysics and Geodynamics department at Stockholm University in Sweden, argues that any concerns regarding rising sea levels are unfounded.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • Nils-Axel Morner, former head of the Paleogeophysics and Geodynamics Department at Stockholm University, documented a dramatic deceleration of sea level rise during the past 40 years.

    FORBES: Anti-Science Climate Deniers On The Retreat In Germany

  • Prof Yanis Varoufakis, head of the Department of Economic Policy at the University of Athens, says that Turkey's experience of 15 years ago provides a stark lesson of what might happen if the country were to leave the euro.

    BBC: Trying times for Greek families

  • Because Zoe is a virtual talking head created in a collaboration between Cambridge University's Engineering Department and the Toshiba Research Laboratory.

    BBC: Zoe �C Cambridge��s emotional talking head

  • He was previously Head of the Department of Geography at Royal Holloway, University of London between 1999 and 2001, and has also served as Honorary Secretary of the Royal Geographical Society (with The Institute of British Geographers) (1995-1997).

    UNESCO: Purpose/Objectives of the Chair

  • But even with the outcome of the nomination all but certain, South Dakotans feel that Tuesday's primary has put them on the political map, says Bob Burns, head of the political science department at South Dakota State University.

    NPR: Who Is South Dakota? A Pre-Primary Tour

  • The university's biochemistry department had about 25 researchers when Sir Philip, its current head, joined it 30 years ago.

    ECONOMIST: Biotechnology in Scotland

  • Professor Ian Bond, head of the aerospace engineering department at the UK's University of Bristol, said his team had been developing a "bio-inspired" vascular system, based on the veins in the human body.

    CNN: The emerging world of self-healing materials

  • Dr. BORIS WORM (Assistant Professor, Marine Conservation Biology, Biology Department, Dalhousie University, Halifax, Canada): They have a huge head, a big mouth with which they can engulf their prey and then the rest of their body is a long tapering tail.

    NPR: Down Deep, An Unexpected Fish Boom

  • He was studying law at the local university at the age of 16, and at 23 won his first election, to head a county law department.

    ECONOMIST: Harold Stassen

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