He earned a bachelor of arts degree in history from the State University of New York at Buffalo, a master of arts degree in international relations from the Johns Hopkins University School of Advanced International Studies in Washington, D.
Bersani, 61, comes across as "bluff and homespun, and that's part of his appeal -- or not, depending on your point of view, " said political analyst James Walston, department chair of international relations at the American University of Rome.
The 61-year-old Bersani comes across as "bluff and homespun, and that's part of his appeal -- or not, depending on your point of view, " said political analyst James Walston, department chair of international relations at the American University of Rome.
Barnett earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in political science with a focus on international relations from University of California, Los Angeles in 2008.
A. in international relations from Johns Hopkins University School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS) and a B.
Dr David Hine, a tutorial fellow at Oxford University's Department of Politics and International Relations, also suggests Mr Berlusconi is "highly unlikely" to end up in prison.
Mr. Cao is a former research intern with the Center for Security Policy and a student of international relations at Stanford University.
CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: The forgotten project: Afghanistan and its future
"The point they're trying to make is the leadership is pretty stable, " said Choi Jong-kun, professor of international relations at Yonsei University in Seoul.
"It's anybody's guess what the developments will be from this point on, " said Theodore Couloumbis, professor emeritus in international relations at the University of Athens.
Fluent in Spanish, she holds a degree in International Relations from the University of Wisconsin-Madison and has studied at the University of the Americas in Mexico City.
CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Implications of Cuba's leadership change
He's director of Boston University's Center for International Relations.
Codevilla, a professor of international relations at Boston University, a fellow of the Claremont Institute and an editor of TAS, was a Foreign Service officer and served on the staff of the US Senate Intelligence Committee between 1977 and 1985.
Dr. Codevilla is a professor of international relations at Boston University, a fellow of the Claremont Institute and an editor of TAS, was a Foreign Service officer and served on the staff of the US Senate Intelligence Committee between 1977 and 1985.
"Don't expect too much in the way of results, " says international-relations lecturer Chayachoke Chulasiriwongs of Thailand's Chulalongkorn University.
Then later he served as a professor of International Relations at prestigious Boston University.
The Chairholder is Dr Emilios Solomou, Executive Vice President for Administration of the University of Nicosia and a faculty member teaching in the Departments of Education and European Studies and International Relations.
Maryam Saghir is currently studying International Relations and Politics at the University of Lincoln.
Born in Australia and raised in South Africa, Curnow has a Master of Philosophy degree in International Relations from Cambridge University.
The soft reaction to the Ahuas shooting boils down to a contradiction of Hondurans' situation, said Eduardo Gamarra, professor of politics and international relations at Florida International University.
Although the relationship is colored by mutual suspicion, the two sides now discuss an ever-broadening agenda, from military cooperation to food safety, said Jin Canrong, an associate dean of the School of International Relations at Beijing's Renmin University.
She studied at the Moscow State Institute of International Relations and at the School of Public Affairs of the University of Maryland in the United States.
UNESCO: Irina Bokova of Bulgaria elected as UNESCO's 10th Director General
This should be resisted, for all the historical reasons to be found in a new book, Money, Markets and Sovereignty (Yale University Press), coauthored by the director of international economics at the Council on Foreign Relations, Benn Steil.
"It is a vote against corruption--against the ruling party, but not in favor of the Congress, " said Chintamani Mahapatra, who teaches international relations at Jawaharalal Nehru University in New Delhi.
No slouch academically, Harrison has degrees in International Relations and Conflict Resolution from Syracuse University, walking away from an opportunity fresh out of school to work with the Carter Center (President Carter even created a division for her).