• But today Professor Andy Cooper and his team of chemists at the University of Liverpool in England are figuring out how it can help energy companies like BP or Shell store and transport methane gas, the principle component of natural gas.

    FORBES: What Is Dry Water?

  • In one of several articles on the forthcoming meeting in the latest issue of the International Journal of Drug Policy, Cindy Fazey of Liverpool University, in England, describes the power wielded over the organisation by the main donors, especially the United States.

    ECONOMIST: Illegal drugs: Just say maybe | The

  • Jim Waterhouse, a professor of biological rhythms at Liverpool John Moores University in Liverpool, England, says he often recommends that people crossing three time zones or less and only staying three days or less might want to consider maintaining the same sleeping and waking schedule from home rather than trying to shift the body clock.

    WSJ: To Avoid Jet Lag This Summer, Travel Like a Scientist

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