• He said Sharyn Hakken was pragmatic and responsible, graduating from the University of South Florida in 2008.

    NPR: Couple Jailed For Fleeing With Kids To Face Judge

  • And at the University of South Florida College of Nursing, they're even testing a new therapy to treat PTSD.

    WHITEHOUSE: The White House

  • Of these, the most common is withdrawal (absence, lateness, taking long breaks) says the University of South Florida's Paul Spector.

    CNN: Is workplace boredom 'the new stress?'

  • Studies conducted in mice by skeptics at both the University of Toronto and the University of South Florida confirmed that the vaccine might work.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • Studies conducted in mice by skeptics at the University of Toronto and the University of South Florida actually confirmed that the vaccine could work.

    FORBES: Elan: Boom Times And Tragedy

  • McManus is a political scientist at the University of South Florida.

    NPR: Foley's Replacement Faces Ballot Name Dilemma

  • Philip Porter, an economist at the University of South Florida in Tampa who has studied the economics of big events, said the analysis didn't include displaced locals including him.

    WSJ: Why Mega-Events May Not Mean Mega-Bucks

  • The IOCDF plans to sponsor a study at the University of South Florida and Harvard next year treating Pandas children with antibiotics whether they have an active infection or not.

    WSJ: Does Strep Throat Trigger Serious Ills?

  • In the past, Bedier insistently made similar claims about Sami al-Arian, the University of South Florida professor who ultimately pled guilty to providing services for the terrorist Palestinian Islamic Jihad organization.


  • But Sarah Tebbens, a geophysicist at the University of South Florida, noticed that the zigs and zags were similar to those that form on the surface of lava lakes in volcanic craters.

    ECONOMIST: Geophysics

  • Paul Sanberg, a neuroscientist at the University of South Florida in Tampa, and his colleagues, have found that a nicotine patch enhances the ability of haloperidol to suppress the symptoms of Tourette's.

    ECONOMIST: Great drug, shame about the delivery system | The

  • Early findings from a mid-August survey led by the University of South Florida indicated oil had settled to the bottom of the Gulf further east than previously suspected and at levels toxic to marine life.

    CNN: No signs of 'dead zone' in Gulf, feds say

  • Professor SUSAN McMANUS (University of South Florida): He's got to have all the Republicans turn out that possibly can and stick with the party, and he's got to have high-profile Republican leaders coming in to support him.

    NPR: Foley's Replacement Faces Ballot Name Dilemma

  • "The dispersant is moving the oil down out of the surface and into the deeper waters, where it can affect phytoplankton and other marine life, " said John Paul, a marine microbiologist at the University of South Florida.

    CNN: Allen: 'Our first goal is to do no harm' in Gulf

  • Mr. Al-Arian's access only ended when he was indicted and held without bail on some forty counts, including charges that he ran Palestinian Islamic Jihad for ten years from his office at the University of South Florida.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: The politics of pander

  • By 1992 Grotendorst, who had done work at the University of South Florida and is now at the University of Miami, concluded that it was CTGF, not TGF-beta, that triggers collagen production by binding to specific cell receptors.

    FORBES: Scar Wars

  • Or, Bedier is mounting a vehement public defense of two Egyptian students at the University of South Florida, Ahmed Abda Sherf Mohamed and Yousef Samir Megahed, caught in South Carolina last month transporting pipe bombs across state lines.


  • This was demonstrated by a recent project run by the University of South Florida, in which a glider successfully mapped the locations of red grouper and toadfish populations on the West Florida Shelf from the noises the fish made.

    ECONOMIST: Fleets of robot submarines will change oceanography

  • Researchers at the University of South Florida have concluded that oil from the Deepwater Horizon spill may have settled to the bottom of the Gulf of Mexico farther east than previously suspected -- and at levels toxic to marine life.

    CNN: Allen: 'Our first goal is to do no harm' in Gulf

  • "I've been working in psychiatry for 20 years and I've never seen psychotropic medications turn a child around as quickly as I've seen antibiotics turn a Pandas child around, " says Tanya Murphy, director of the Rothman Center for Pediatric Neuropsychiatry at the University of South Florida.

    WSJ: Does Strep Throat Trigger Serious Ills?

  • Among the radicals was Sami Al-Arian, the former University of South Florida professor whom the FBI arrested earlier this year under a 50-count terrorism and racketeering indictment alleging that he was Secretary of the "Shura Council" or worldwide governing body of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Center For Security Policy

  • For example, Sami al-Arian, an erstwhile professor at South Florida University, is defending himself against some 40 federal charges of involvement in terrorist financing and activities on the grounds that he was included in numerous meetings with senior government officials, including George W. Bush.


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