Ian Walker, a professor of economics at the University of Warwick, offers a different explanation.
Kenneth Wallis, of the University of Warwick, first drew attention to this some months ago.
These are the favourites of Prof Giorgio Riello, from the University of Warwick.
To detect and explain this previously unknown type of gamma-ray burst is a real achievement for the University of Warwick.
BBC: NASA's Swift satellite observes massive supernova stars
Becker at the University of Warwick in the U.K. and Professor Hans K. Hvide at the University of Bergen in Norway.
The video, starring dancers from EQHO, a group from the University of Warwick, was filmed to raise money for Birmingham Children's Hospital.
Dr Andrew Levan from the University of Warwick says these longer gamma-ray bursts are actually caused by really, really big stars going supernova.
BBC: NASA's Swift satellite observes massive supernova stars
Professor Mike Lord, head of the toxin research group at the University of Warwick, is one of many scientists working in this area.
Although the process is being tested on a small-scale right now, project lead and University of Warwick engineering professor Jan Baeyens is thinking big.
Carol Rutter, professor of Shakespeare and Performance Studies at the University of Warwick, said an introduction to William Shakespeare was one of the most important things adults could give children.
The precise contribution of religion to mental health remains controversial, although there is other evidence that it does directly improve happiness, said Professor Leslie Francis, from the University of Warwick.
Some bursts are over in a minute, some last a little bit longer but now researchers at the University of Warwick have discovered just three that last for several hours.
BBC: NASA's Swift satellite observes massive supernova stars
The maths department at the University of Warwick, one of the top-ranked in the country, is thinking of requiring further maths again, for the first time in more than a decade.
In the 1930s Britain weathered the great depression better than many countries thanks partly to unprecedented house-building, much of it by local councils, says Nicholas Crafts of the University of Warwick.
Representatives of a group of leading universities - known as the Russell Group after the London hotel in which they have met - discussed top-up fees on Friday, at the University of Warwick.
Marijn Nieuwenhuis, from the University of Warwick's Department of Politics and International Studies, and contributing author to the book "Shanghai New Towns, " explained that the city's boom began in the early 1990s with the construction of the Pudong commercial district.
Prof Christopher James, an expert in neural engineering at the University of Warwick, who uses non-invasive techniques in his own research, explains that it is currently not possible to put information into a brain using just the surface of the scalp.
Sarah Smith of the University of Bristol and Kimberley Scharf of Warwick University recently carried out a series of experiments for the Treasury to gauge how sensitive higher-rate taxpayers are to changes in tax incentives.
The government responded by asking the author of this study, Professor Robin Alexander of Warwick University, along with Chris Woodhead (then in charge of the national curriculum, now England's chief inspector of schools) and Jim Rose (a senior schools inspector) to conduct an urgent review of the evidence on teaching methods.
Following media reports of the letter opposing the industrial action, the president of Warwick University Students' Union, Kat Stark, drafted another to the AUT's Sally Hunt.
BBC: NEWS | UK | Education | Academics' action splits students
According to Andrew Oswald of Warwick University, only 80 of the world's 1, 200 most-cited scientists are working in Britain, compared with 700 in America, whose lead is growing.
According to a study published on December 9th by Andrew Oswald and Andrew Benito of Warwick University, Londoners over the 1980s lost an extra 70 minutes a week to traffic jams or commuting.
The academics come from a range of universities from the UK and elsewhere, including the London School of Economics and Warwick University.
Jeremy Dale, professor of primary care at Warwick University, reckons that several million people across Britain are now covered by such schemes.
But a new study by Andrew Oswald, an economist at Britain's Warwick University, suggests that a high rate of owner-occupation may not be so good for the economy.
Researchers from Warwick University, writing in the British Journal of Psychology, said that dogs gave people a safe topic of conversation with which to break the ice with a stranger.
Nevertheless, the Warwick University study found that despite these dangers three out of 10 children admitted sharing food with their pets while 21% let their pets lick their fingers.
Leonard Lardaro, also of the University of Rhode Island, thinks the temporary clean-up jobs (3, 000 at Warwick Mall, for instance) and the remodelling and reconstruction needed in many Rhode Island homes may help the state out of the recession.
ECONOMIST: Things were bad enough in Rhode Island. Then the rains came