Invention has its own algorithm: genius, obsession, serendipity, and epiphany in some unknowable combination.
But focusing on the known, instead of the unknowable, sounds like a good idea.
FORBES: SocGen's Grice Says Laugh, And Maybe Buy Some Stocks
Whether other initiatives will actually emerge is of course unknowable, but at least the possibility exists.
The alien and unknowable are the things that make Mulder tick, whereas Scully wants evidence.
When the future is unknowable, it makes more sense to think like entrepreneurs do.
FORBES: What Should You Do When You Don't Know What To Do? Act First. Think Later.
Perhaps the financial-advice industry survives because the idea that the future is unknowable is just unsatisfying.
The Tories say the state of the public finances in the coming years in unknowable.
And the ramifications of Greek default on the European and US banking systems are largely unknowable.
They are stated as changes from what the economy would otherwise have done, but that is unknowable.
FORBES: Good News from Sequester: End to (Some) Bad Economic Analysis
We can attribute our lots to God and his writings, his unknowable ways.
But the more unknowable a risk is, the more it exaggerates the impact.
Known of but unknowable, Hughes was always going to be a biographer's dream.
But the causes of his delusions are as irrelevant as they are unknowable.
The technical implication for the intertwined world of finance, of which the Treasury bond is a core architectural support, is unknowable.
Making each picture was like throwing a stone without knowing where it would land, how close to the unknowable and unreachable.
ECONOMIST: Avigdor Arikha, painter of life, died on April 29th, aged 81
This is shrewd because a big objection from incumbents has been that the effects of market opening are unknowable and could be disastrous.
Rest in the consolatory rhythms of hearth and home, marked out by meals and seasons, or break the pattern and take the unknowable risk?
Since the outbreak began the UN has tried to dodge accusations of responsibility, saying that the source of the disease is unknowable or unimportant.
"In the last several months, continued speculation about the ultimate value of our subprime holdings--which remains unknowable--has been distracting, " he added in a press release.
He provides more detail in his contribution to the recent book edited by Herring, The Known, the Unknown, and the Unknowable in Financial Risk Management.
FORBES: More Computational Finance Won't Uncover Black Swan Events
In fact, the length of time a technologically advanced species might continue to transmit is completely unknown and unknowable until, or unless, contact is made.
The effect: a suggestion of thoughts that were profound and unknowable.
But no matter how good the dish, Sedgwick remains powerfully unknowable.
"Knowing that asset prices have just barely risen from troughs, we expect credit problems to continue to emerge from unknowable places at unknowable times, " he says.
The result is an image of the future that is potentially predictable to some degree, but effectively unknowable because of the lack of any common ground.
We need the flexibility as to how they are spent, so we can adapt to the unknowable circumstances that are unfolding in the weeks and months ahead.
CNN: Rumsfeld, Ridge lobby Congress for war, anti-terror money
The reality is that where your purchase proceeds ultimately go is completely unknowable, so this is not a means of accomplishing your deepest most valued social goals .
The imminent arrival of an unknown and unknowable number of Romanians and Bulgarians who are all free to work here next year is pushing it up the political agenda.
The unsettling estimates driving the latest controversy about Pentagon weapons costs result in large part from unknowable inflation rates, lack of contextual data, arbitrary counting rules and neglect of mitigating factors.
FORBES: Massive Cost Estimate For Fighter Program Is Misleading