• The inquest ruled that Ben was unlawfully killed, and recorded open verdicts for Mr and Mrs Philpotts.

    BBC: Ben and Patricia Philpotts

  • The coroner ruled he had been unlawfully killed and commended a friend who carried him across a river.

    BBC: Private Gregg Stone

  • Essex Police initially said the death was the result of an industrial accident but an inquest found he was unlawfully killed.

    BBC: Exhumation of Lee Balkwell in concrete mixer death probe

  • An inquest into the death held in 2008 ruled Mr Balkwell was unlawfully killed as a result of gross negligence manslaughter.

    BBC: Les Balkwell

  • An inquest held in March 2010 found PC Terry was unlawfully killed.

    BBC: Pc Ian Terry

  • Although an inquest found Stephen Lawrence to be unlawfully killed in an "unprovoked racist attack" by five white youths, no-one has ever been convicted.

    BBC: Lawrence family

  • An inquest ruled in 2009 that he was unlawfully killed outside the Cricketer's pub where a group of men from south Wales had been staying.

    BBC: Kevin Lavelle

  • Mr Lapite, 34, died after a struggle with police in Stoke Newington in December 1994, and was found by an inquest to have been unlawfully killed.

    BBC: News | UK | No action over death in custody

  • Five officers - Sgt John Dunn and Pcs Neil Blakey, Mark Ellerington, Nigel Dawson and Matthew Barr - were cleared of Mr Alder's manslaughter and misconduct in 2002, even though an inquest had concluded that he was unlawfully killed.

    BBC: NEWS | UK | England | Humber | Man cleared over custody death

  • "I am therefore satisfied on the balance of probabilities that Gareth was killed unlawfully, " she concluded.


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