Best of all, sequencers provide nondestructive processing: they don't permanently apply your edits and effects to the audio tracks you've recorded unless that's what you want.
Sounds silly, sure, but it's not enough to get people laughing and pointing at you (unless that's the kind of face you have already).
He said that, unless you experience God's grace, you really don't get it and he says he didn't get it before when his career was sidelined by a scandal in which he admitted an extramarital affair.
"If you wear a horizontal and it's very tight, it's quite difficult unless you're perfect, " she says, noting that stripes can be unforgiving to the figure.
It's hotter than ever (unless you're in San Francisco, where it's colder).
There's no point in giving up something that you enjoy unless you get something back that's better, and quickly.
In Switzerland your financial details are no one else's business, unless you authorize a release or they are requested in a judicial investigation.
Of course there's an exception to the winter discounts: unless you're extremely flexible, it's usually hard to find a deal between Christmas and New Year's Eve.
So much for the facts, now for some rampant speculation: Apple's new iPod, or iPods, could include many of the features introduced with Apple's iPhone June 29, such as a large, touch-sensitive display, which isn't available on today's iPods (unless you count the iPhone).
"You hear it for a split second, and tune it out, unless it's one of those songs you really like, " said Brooks, 23.
And, you know, I don't know if there's a parallel for Bonds unless you want to go all the way back to Jack Johnson.
You must exercise, you must push yourself, you won't gain any ground unless you push your body beyond it's limit and keep pushing it until you mold it into the body you have always dreamed of.
It's not a sexy image, unless you've spent a month in the desert alone with a herd of camels, but it's still considered too explosive for Kuwaitis to handle.
Unless you know somebody who knows somebody who's willing to speak up for you, you really don't have a chance of getting the foot in the door.
The last thing I would say is that you typically don't call something "marvelous" unless you think it's pretty great.
Across Sweden, Midsummer is greeted with an exuberance that's hard to understand unless you've experienced the cold and darkness of a Swedish winter.
Senator Kennedy is right that the intelligence community never characterized the threat as "imminent, " but that's hardly big news unless you think the president did.
There is no technology visionary at the top of Ebay's organization chart, unless you want to include newly appointed board member and Netscape cofounder Marc Andreessen.
Stuffing envelopes, making phone calls to rude strangers and trudging from house to house is not much fun, unless you think it's going to save the family, the environment or the country.
Whether they're true you're not sure because sometimes it's just a bunch of rumours so unless you get a factsheet or facts they will remain rumours.
"Unless you want to marry your computer, you go someplace that's good, " says Flanders, who neither hosts nor designs Web sites.
Mr. JOHN DOWD (Attorney): You're not gonna get the kind of factual information you need unless it's done right.
If you've already played "Triple Play 2001" to death, that means there's no reason to upgrade unless you're a consummate fan.
The GamePad also sometimes slips out of sync with the base station, the music running a microbeat behind the TV, causing sonic chaos unless you turn the GamePad's volume down.
If you are bored with Android phones and don't want to join the iPhone herd, you are quickly going to run out of smartphone alternatives - unless you opt for Microsoft's Windows Phone 7 operating system.
Unless you have signed a separate agreement to pay a buyer's agent for his time, you won't pay any commission.
But again, there's nothing about the IPO, unless you dig into the press release archive.
Unless you believe, as Marsh's Mr Smith did until recently, that beyond a certain point size is no longer an advantage.