She left Sarah at the bus stop and was last seen walking off alone through unlit wasteland.
Maribel is terrified of walking home alone through the unlit streets at the end of her shift.
They were not 100% unlit, but enough so that the colors of the walls and carpets were muted.
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"The road which links San Antonio with the island's capital is very busy and was completely unlit, " she said.
It said the accident occurred late on Friday on a run which was unlit and normally closed at night.
And I could swear I saw an old bearded man wandering through the terminal chewing on an unlit Tyrolean gesteckpfeife.
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Place the ribs away from the heat source (over the unlit burner of a gas grill) and cover the grill.
The previously unlit pads display vibrant colors, and the LCD screen lets you know that Ableton is asking you a question.
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Until then you have to use a narrow winding unlit mountain road.
The lonely outline of the host is discerned near an unlit sconce.
It is also hoped pilots and paramedics will be licensed to land at unlit sites during the night before the end of the year.
Those who know or have worked with him say Anschutz is a down-to-earth, hard-driving businessman with a fondness for chomping on little unlit cigars.
Cigars and pipes -- lit or unlit -- are de rigueur.
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Investigators think they took a wrong turning, heading down an unlit and difficult black piste, instead of the easier and illuminated slope that they should have taken.
She hopes that health-conscious consumers will be particularly attracted by the kind of rhubarb cropped from December to April which is force-grown indoors in unlit heated sheds.
Each is signified by an icon and a light-up dot, although you'll need to recall which dot is which in low-light settings, as the icons themselves remain unlit.
Bounding up the unlit stairs, they scanned the railed landing.
Janet Dover, Lib Dem county councillor for Colehill, where all streetlights are being switched off in the next few days, says she is worried about traffic calming measures being unlit.
Two years ago a 19-year-old Welsh holidaymaker was killed on the second day of her holiday on Ibiza when she walked out of packed nightclub and began crossing the unlit road.
If you do not want to see Mary with an unlit cigarette cradling a bottle of booze while splayed out on a table, this may not be the play for you.
The incident comes hours after a group of Russian tourists died when the snowmobile they were travelling in overturned on an unlit black run on Mount Cermis, in the same area.
Pc Rees was dealing with an accident on an unlit stretch of the A505 between Baldock and Royston when he was hit by a Vauxhall Corsa travelling between 50 and 55mph.
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The Coast Guard determined the trawler posed a threat to other ships navigating the area, and had been broadcasting the unmanned, unlit vessel's location to mariners to alert them to the hazard.
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As our motor launch sped up the Grand Canal in the moonlight, I noted all the palazzos were unlit, owned by absentee plutocrats whose hearts belonged to Venice, too, at least two weeks out of the year.
But Heidelberger Druck has a comfortable market share of 40%--twice its nearest rival--of the machines that are responsible for printing such things as Vogue's fashion layouts and unlit Coca-Cola signs (and the European edition of this magazine, too).
My angry guide disappeared into an unlit room, banged around for a minute, and suddenly switched on an ancient Soviet movie projector, using the light to illuminate the projection booth of what had been Vale's only movie theater.
Then we climbed an unlit set of stairs in the same block, and found ourselves in a dusty room full of sepia-tinted photos of Kashmir, from the days of the 1930s novel Lost Horizon, and decades-old Brownie cameras from the Raj.
Investigators think that as the group returned to their hotel in the dark, they took a wrong turning, heading down an unlit and difficult black piste, instead of the easier and illuminated slope that they should have taken.
Many authorities are trialing a switch-off of street lights at night, including Somerset and Wiltshire, but some have decided to turn them back on, including Milton Keynes, following a 30% rise in accidents and two deaths in unlit areas.