Elegantly decorated carriages are lined with armchairs, and the last has panoramic windows and an open-air terrace for unmediated views.
BBC: Five unforgettable rail journeys
In the early 19th century, artists dissatisfied with the Academy's sleek conventions began to insist on the value of unmediated realism, based on observation.
WSJ: Appealing to Modern Eyes | The Path of Nature | Metropolitan Museum of Art | By Karen Wilkin
"That's the only time the campaigns can get out an unmediated message, and talk directly to voters, " said University of Cincinnati Political Sciences Professor Michael Margolis.
CNN: All eyes on Ohio
Schoenberg, by contrast, sought to express his inmost feelings in a raw, unmediated way instead of using large-scale tonal architecture to shape them into conventionally coherent structures.
WSJ: The Seductive Lure of Abstraction | Sightings by Terry Teachout
Foreigners have stayed well away from Colombia's continuing fratricide, whose origins can be traced back through la Violencia of 1948-58 (about 200, 000 dead) to unmediated wars a century ago.
ECONOMIST: Other people��s wars
Public discourse is becoming unmediated.
BBC: How the net is transforming news