French Prime Minister Jean-Marc Ayrault branded his decision to move abroad as "shabby and unpatriotic".
Saving taxes on a pricey yacht might seem unpatriotic anywhere, but cheating your own state was worse.
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He told us journalists are pulling their punches for fear of being seen by the public as unpatriotic.
Mr Obama is plainly neither unpatriotic nor a conspiracy theorist, and has denounced his former pastor's outbursts vigorously.
Less high-profile Frenchman have been labeled as unpatriotic for deserting their beloved France.
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Liberal Democrat leader Nick Clegg said when he first questioned the strategy in Afghanistan he was attacked by ministers for being "unpatriotic".
But the Conservatives have adopted a bipartisan strategy during the financial crisis when too critical an approach could have been seen as unpatriotic.
As Sanchia Berg reported on the programme, that royal wedding saw the nations' media almost unanimous in its celebration, with those who raised criticisms castigated as unpatriotic.
Mr Habecker refused to stand and recite the pledge, and after being branded unpatriotic, was forced to enter a fresh election contest to remove him from office.
For many Democrats, the link between free trade and fighting terrorism went down especially badly: it implied, they thought, that anyone sceptical of free trade was unpatriotic.
Kyle was sued by former Minnesota Gov. Jesse Ventura over a portion of the book that claims Kyle punched Ventura in a 2006 bar fight over unpatriotic remarks.
The very dissent many Tea Partiers saw as unpatriotic when it was about the war is now their badge of honor and victimhood when it comes to the economy.
The prime minister had suggested that Depardieu's move to the town of Nechin, just over the border from the French city of Lille, was unpatriotic at a time of cutbacks.
Family members are anxious, however, not to appear unpatriotic.
After last year's Christmas exodus by southern shoppers, Irish finance minister Brian Lenihan suggested it was "unpatriotic" of them to shop in Northern Ireland rather than boost the ailing economy in the south.
Dr Abalaka says it would be unreasonable and unpatriotic for him to reveal the scientific details of his cure right now - but he will do so when he has the Nigerian president's support.