That is bound to bring opposition and unpopularity, but it need not bring electoral disaster.
His support for President George Bush's "war on terror" earned him unpopularity at home.
But is their unpopularity due primarily to pushing for big changes in K-12 education?
Opposition parties are hoping to seize on Musharraf's rising unpopularity to wrest control of the parliament.
The first is that his own unpopularity has become an impediment to the Republican cause.
Yet, as a strategy, pinning success on the back of Congress's unpopularity has flaws.
Successive governments attempted several more paper issuances, with little result except their own increasing unpopularity.
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As Sunday's vote demonstrated, his unpopularity extends even to his home region of Poitou-Charentes.
Her unpopularity with many Americans was not because she was active, Ms Gutin says.
But unpopularity is gruel for politicians (and actors), and he is likely to feel chastened.
To make matters worse, Tory unpopularity seems to be at its nadir in London.
Some observers think that Mrs Arroyo is wary of risking more unpopularity through further reforms.
And, in some respects, Mr Dzurinda has no choice but to risk incurring some unpopularity.
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Equally, liberals may now be right that Americans' dislike of finger-waggers explains Mr Starr's unpopularity.
Obama argued that the growing unpopularity of his programs is due not to substance, but to style.
Republicans reportedly think Democratic uncertainty is going to help them in November, despite the unpopularity of the war.
But I ask the marchers to understand this: I do not seek unpopularity as a badge of honour.
Given the Gillard government's deep unpopularity, the Liberals would be expected to win a by-election at a canter.
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And because of ObamaCare's enduring unpopularity, we don't even fear that Romney will flip-flop on this after taking office.
Reflecting her widespread unpopularity in Ireland while in office, political tributes were measured.
That used to be a bulwark of Obama's presidency, which offset the unpopularity of several of Obama's big-ticket policies.
Ministers have hinted that they fear courting unpopularity at an already delicate juncture.
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The unpopularity of the Bush administration gave Democrats the opportunity to win elections, and candidate Obama's team marketed him perfectly.
He was obviously taking advantage of President Bush's widespread unpopularity compared to his own 70 percent approval rating in Russian.
Despite their unpopularity with the Greek masses, Prime Minister George Papandreou won approval for the austerity measures and asset sales.
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Their unpopularity and lack of brand recognition will work against their ambition to become the filter that consumers turn to.
It seems to me that Bonds' unpopularity is being used by the lords of baseball to make him a convenient scapegoat.
Government proposals published last year suggested just 20% of the Upper House should be elected, but their unpopularity saw them dropped.
Given their unpopularity, and Indonesia's battered economy, such a shift in resources will be hard for any new president to sell.
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This is a measure of the unpopularity of Romano Prodi's outgoing centre-left government, and especially of the tax increases it imposed.
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