They reviewed published clinical trial data, and unpublished data secured under Freedom of Information legislation.
He said as-yet unpublished figures for GDF will show an increase in emissions last year.
WSJ: Rise in U.S. Gas Production Fuels Unexpected Plunge in Emissions
Essays must be original and unpublished and they must be written by one person only.
Yes, this decision is unpublished and thus carries no precedential value for future cases.
Published and unpublished surveys confirm all these trends, and also confirm that they are continuing.
More than 50 unpublished poems by Rudyard Kipling have been discovered by a US scholar.
One analyst outside the group passed on important, unpublished information about companies to favoured institutional clients.
But Ofqual has told the head teachers that there are no "unpublished transcripts" to release.
Traditionally, the unofficial and unpublished earnings per share (EPS) forecasts that circulate among professionals on Wall Street.
FORBES: Beat Wall Street With Crowdsourced Earnings Estimates
Unpublished colour photographs of The Beatles during their first tour of the US are to be auctioned.
The material includes a few unpublished typescripts, first editions and inscribed books from Jules Verne and Thornton Wilder.
Nickell also read through a bunch of unpublished work by Moore and found numerous examples of upbeat prose.
Both tried to write about their experiences, but their memoirs went unpublished and unknown until Mr Hendrickson came along.
According to two knowledgeable sources, there are more unpublished IMs that are just as embarrassing and damaging to Zuckerberg.
Susijn says the unpublished manuscript reflects its author even more than his subsequent novels, largely because it's so funny.
One nugget of unpublished glory is this SmartStor Zero NAS from Promise Technology.
ENGADGET: Promise's SmartStor Zero NAS streamer dumbs down DLNA for the iPad (hands-on)
With colleagues, he reviewed numerous studies of popular antidepressants, including unpublished studies obtained using the Freedom of Information Act.
When safety questions were raised about Avandia, we needed an objective analysis of all the trials, published and unpublished.
Its unpublished internal tests have found the brush is six times more effective than cleaning using hands, the company says.
WSJ: Sonic Facial Brushes: Deep Cleaning Faces at the Speed of Sound
It "is clinically proven to help protect skin" from moderate sun exposure, boasts its website, citing an unpublished 56-patient study.
Why did Amazon allow refunds for a book that had been unpublished six months ago, despite their own seven day limit?
Still on the drawing board, in the form of an unpublished paper, is cloaking buildings and dams from seismic waves.
The details are contained in previously unpublished cabinet papers about the disaster, in which 96 Liverpool football fans lost their lives.
Unpublished works by newly-literate learners are selected, produced and distributed to literacy centres and public schools offering youth and adult education classes.
When folk songwriting legend Woody Guthrie died in 1967, he left behind more than 3, 000 songs, most of them unpublished and unrecorded.
Among its treasures are dozens of original drafts of speeches, including a 1897 unpublished manuscript Churchill wrote on the art of rhetoric.
Those figures are based on an unpublished study from the Health Protection Agency and the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine.
And half those unpublished submissions, Assange says, relate to the private sector.
However, as a practical matter, unpublished decisions are ignored at great peril.
Using Google, he found otherwise unpublished studies on Glaxo's own Web site and counted how many heart problems were reported in each.