What is to be done to correct this unsatisfactory, and potentially disastrous, state of affairs?
But Rubio also left himself a way out if compromises yield an unsatisfactory bill.
Commerzbank, Germany's second-largest bank, is slashing bonuses for 2012 as a result of "unsatisfactory net profit".
In a related complaint, another 14% stemmed from unsatisfactory claim amounts offered by an insurance firm.
As markets go, that for chief executives works in a spectacularly unsatisfactory way, he argues.
ECONOMIST: Are headhunters to blame for the damaging cult of charisma?
And the consequence is an unsatisfactory competition between two parts of the same organisation.
In 2011-12, 2.6% of teachers received an unsatisfactory rating, while the remaining teachers were rated satisfactory.
The council's education services have been under scrutiny since 2011, with Estyn calling them "unsatisfactory".
It was widely judged unsatisfactory and his successor, Kevin Rudd, apologised properly this year.
Auctions alone are now considered unsatisfactory, because they do not change the traditional structure of spectrum allocation.
Of the roughly 75, 000 city teachers, 235 have been rated "unsatisfactory" for incompetence for two consecutive years.
Education services for children and young people in the county were judged "unsatisfactory" by schools inspectorate Estyn.
BBC: Wales Audit Office to investigate Pembrokeshire council
However, despite some frantic scrambles in the box, both teams had to settle for an unsatisfactory point.
And as far as he is concerned, Israel's response to his demands to date has been unsatisfactory.
CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: The Scott Brown Precedent and Israel
School inspectors have recommended that education services on Anglesey are put into special measures after judging them to be "unsatisfactory".
The government intends to introduce measures which simplify the currently complex laws which protect consumers from unsatisfactory service.
He said it was "wholly unsatisfactory" that 3% of the track was now in a "very poor" condition.
In New York City, teachers are now deemed satisfactory or unsatisfactory, with 97% found to be the former.
If a year later they were still rated as unsatisfactory, then termination proceedings would begin within 100 days.
The minister said this was unsatisfactory, he would find out about the case and get back to her.
Mr Byrne said he has written to the Department looking for answers but said the department's response was unsatisfactory.
When something goes wrong while flying, it can feel far more punishing than a bad hotel or unsatisfactory purchase.
Not for nothing did the home secretary say this judgement was "deeply unsatisfactory".
Police and Crime Commissioner Anthony Stansfeld said the current office was "unsatisfactory" and a "suitable alternative" would be found.
But we should certainly avoid heavy investment in an unsatisfactory system determined by the constraints of an unsatisfactory treaty.
Mr Raynsford said he was concerned the redesign would result in "an unsatisfactory outcome on the Chelsea Barracks site".
The letter from the Hacked Off campaign said they believed self-regulation was "unsatisfactory".
England have plenty of time to regroup and progress, but this was an unsatisfactory night for Capello and his players.
Mr Morley said although staff did their best within the guidelines, the review concluded there were instances of unsatisfactory planning.
The proposal would allow people to appeal to the Legal Ombudsman if internal complaints procedures against bailiffs had been unsatisfactory.
BBC: Government suffers two defeats over Crime and Courts Bill