She returned to discover the whole safe containing the jewels had been unscrewed and taken away.
The airline uncorked (or unscrewed for those in Economy) around 1.5 million bottles last year.
CNN: Grape expectations: How airlines pick high-flying wines
They were uncertain only for a moment, then unscrewed the cap on the bottle.
NEWYORKER: The Woman of the House
Burglars broke through the museum's front entrance with a sledgehammer, and unscrewed it from the wall.
BBC: Stolen $1m Henri Matisse recovered
The whole safe had been unscrewed from the inside of the hotel room and carried out, Mascarelli said.
About 25 minutes after they started their delicate task, the mechanical fuse was unscrewed and the bomb was disabled.
CNN: Experts defuse unexploded WWII bomb in central Berlin
Upstairs I pulled a tissue from the box in the bathroom and unscrewed the top of the brown bottle.
NEWYORKER: Miracle Polish
As with the Glo, it's possible to snap the back of the device off, but unlike that larger reader, there's another level underneath that needs to be unscrewed if you want to swap out the battery.
ENGADGET: Kobo Mini review: does the world need a smaller e-reader?