But it goes on to add that the Argentine is "not untainted by controversy".
The idea of an untainted Yankee taking back that crown was intoxicating at the time.
Untainted by jealousy he may be himself, but jealousy he causes aplenty in others.
Instead, they're sending fresh fish from pristine waters, tender meat of coddled lambs and untainted dairy products.
Write-downs are expected to spread to areas previously untainted by the subprime contagion.
But in leaving when he did, he left his legacy intact and untainted.
This has prompted speculation that Turkey could be thinking of reviving an amnesty for PKK fighters untainted by violence.
Cultivate colleagues and board members from outside your industry for fresh untainted advice.
Unable to guarantee that the minerals they acquire are untainted by conflict, some have stopped buying from Congo altogether.
Though, just like the untainted child in the Hans Christian Andersen fairy tale, some of us are beginning to notice.
One or two members of the Santer commission, untainted by the scandal in March, will probably reappear in the Prodi version.
But as the extent of the scandal becomes clear, Mr Schroeder's chances of coming out of the affair untainted seem slim.
Whites appear untainted and clear, but blacks render a little bright, with light coming through and a subtle bluish tone throughout.
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The year: Emerged unscathed and untainted from a lingering insider- trading investigation last year that had reached the upper echelons of SAP.
Was this being a touch economical with the truth, to ensure that he stays untainted by the News of the World scandal?
He would hope thereby to head off incipient plots within the settler movement to put up an alternative candidate, untainted by Wye.
She immediately purchased one of the untainted supplements at a premium price.
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Like many modern gangsters, Frank wants to lead an orderly and loving family life and to keep it untainted by what he does.
Mr Nemtsov, untainted by such a past or by association with the new rich, has been the most innovative of Russia's regional governors.
Thus have the likes of the Capital Group, Fidelity and Vanguard, which have been untainted by scandal, pulled in billions of dollars of new money.
He rejects calls for a government of national unity, led by some untainted but unelected supremo, a solution Thailand has resorted to in previous crises.
He may well argue that he is untainted either by association with Mr Rugova and his failed moderation or with the guerrillas and their rash adventurism.
And his untainted-by-negative-experience eyes are much more likely to focus on how to do something he envisions than on all the reasons it might not work.
Ms Livni is untainted by the kind of allegations of corruption and bribery that led to Mr Olmert's resignation and have damaged the reputation of Israeli politics.
The firm is now considering ways of marketing diamonds as branded luxury goods, marked with the De Beers guarantee of quality and untainted origin (see article).
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And there are other people, I think, who are disappointed because I think there was, you know, desire to see the all-time home-run record be untainted, you know.
He caustically dismisses Italy's traditional political class as "walking dead" who need to be voted out and replaced by younger candidates untainted by claims of scandal and corruption.
" Explains Bullmore: "Martin is untainted by the industry's sentimentality.
Lee has the advantage of freshness, plus his untainted reputation.