Unlike Fallaci, at least until her later years, the root of their commitment to human freedom is their Christian faith.
It wasn't until 20 years later, with Neve Campbell's turn in Scream, that a non-virgin survived.
When other paramilitaries began declaring ceasefires in 1994, the INLA did not follow suit until four years later.
The Spurs drafted Argentinean guard Manu Ginobili, for example, in 1999 but didn't sign him until three years later.
But it wasn't until six years later, on Nov. 14, 1972, that the index actually closed above 1, 000 again.
Boeheim said he wasn't able to put that behind him until 16 years later, when he got his title.
It was not until four years later, after a promotion, that he was able to produce the first flash memory.
The fourth- and fifth-graders knew something big had happened but were often unable to understand why it mattered until years later.
Though the Cretaceous asteroid cleared the stage, mammals did not really get going until 10m years later, in the Eocene epoch.
ECONOMIST: A geological burp may have led to the dinosaurs�� domination
But TV audiences did not witness an exchange of vows until 21 years later, when Prince Charles married Lady Diana Spencer.
Barker's young victim was just two when she was attacked, although the case did not come to court until two years later.
Treasury didn't get around to issuing proposed regulations until 11 years later.
It wasn't until nine years later that he and his religious superiors agreed that he might be well-suited for a chaplain position.
Even the most zealous watchdog group on this issue did not start their campaign on the host company's holding company until years later.
Her head and hands have never been found and the body was not identified until 18 years later when her DNA was matched to her family.
But he didn't really give the case much thought until 13 years later, when as a sophomore at Eastern Michigan University he attended a lecture by Mark Lane.
Police did not take a statement from Miss Cowles until three years later, when her mother wrote to the chief constable after watching a police appeal for a red car.
As intrusive as modern media can be, the rich personal texture that shapes history remains often out of reach until years later, and widely accessible only through a dramatic medium.
She went on to say that despite being very grateful for the treatment she forgot about it until 20 years later and then got permission to bring the plant here.
It was not until six years later at the age of 29, however, that Zhou was able to practice semi-regularly when a sympathetic manager allowed him play on the course in early mornings.
Walsh said Sauer was a central subject for Valle and Moody Blues, who claimed he had fantasized about cannibalism since he was 6 years old but did not fulfill the desire until 35 years later.
They shared bottles of Tums as they watched disturbingly violent Islamist videos on the Web, and patiently collected and cataloged names, places and intelligence tidbits whose relevance might not be known and useful until years later.
WSJ: Manhunt on HBO; The Big C; Hereafter on Showtime: Television Reviews by Nancy deWolf Smith
On the contrary, no feast day for Sol is mentioned on that day until 80 years later in the Calendar of 354 and, subsequently, in 362 by Julian the Apostate in his Oration to King Helios (the Sun).
He has testified that he alerted Paterno in 2002 that he'd seen what appeared to be Sandusky sexually assaulting a boy in a shower in Penn State's athletic facilities, an allegation that authorities didn't learn of until years later.
It has emerged that Ms Jones had been with her ex-partner since they were teenagers and it was not until many years later that she left her family home and moved in with her brother Barry Jones, his wife Liz and their three children.
BBC: NEWS | UK | Wales | North East Wales | Get help now, abuse victims urged
You may also consider the factual history of the apartment building in Japan that was mistakenly constructed with some highly radioactive material, the inclusion of the radioactive construction material was not discovered until many years later, the residents were studied extensively for evidence of increased cancer.
It was not until two years later that a swap deal took place, in which the Israelis handed over five Lebanese prisoners, including a man convicted of killing a child, and the bodies of 200 Lebanese and Palestinian fighters, in exchange for the bodies of Eldad Regev and Ehud Goldwasser.
But it wasn't released in the United States until a few years later, and the audience was very few.
The web as we know it was famously invented by Tim Berners-Lee while working at CERN, but it wasn't until a few years later -- 1993 to be precise -- that it'd truly be set free.
ENGADGET: CERN celebrates 20 years of a free, open web by restoring world's first website