We have gone through obviously the toughest economic situation since the Great Depression, and no state has been untouched, no group of people has been untouched by the devastation.
The dishes came in large portions, but more than half of each course was untouched.
"Imagine the ancient water of Lake Ellsworth: it is absolutely untouched, " he told Reuters.
But when Azizi visited last week, he found the distillery untouched and the rose patch abandoned.
The old home of Swedish artist Olle Nyman appears untouched since his death in 1999.
WSJ: Insider's Travel Guide to Stockholm | Journal Concierge.
It's sort of this velvety, smooth, world-weary voice that seems to be untouched by time.
The government is no longer saying that Brazil will be untouched by the rich world's recession.
There are millions of untouched desert acres around Phoenix where new suburbs could easily spring up.
No area of life has been left untouched by this fear- based approach to life.
It's incredible the plane sat there in this untouched part of the world for so long.
It would create three storeys of open-plan office space, leaving the original building untouched.
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The motive wasn't robbery: left untouched were stacks of banknotes and gold given by pilgrims.
The ability to touch something inside me that is often left untouched by newspaper articles.
As you rightly imply, it is unrealistic to argue that the Amazon should remain untouched.
As of 3 years ago, health, education, and finance were the last to remain untouched.
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Laura Wilcock, an expert in examining suspicious fires, said that little of Zoe's body remained untouched.
It roars, day in, day out, untouchable and untouched by the incursions around it.
Many C5s remained unsold and some appear on the market today untouched and in their original cartons.
And all leave the problems they purport to address--sluggish productivity, poor communication, sagging morale, high turnover--essentially untouched.
Unlike the megaresorts of the 1950s, the 483-acre property feels more untouched than the fields around it.
When Conner leads the cops back to his apartment, he finds the place looking neat and untouched.
These problems will likely remain untouched even if women like Sandberg and Mayer transform Google and Yahoo!
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Seemingly untouched by Hollywood, they did not project the jadedness that is a common symptom of stardom.
Inside was a leftover visa photo and the stack of extremely sensitive phone numbers, which appeared untouched.
The house, still largely untouched from when Fermor lived there, was bequeathed to the Benaki Museum in Athens.
So hailstones might destroy a crop in one locality when another, 20 miles away, is left entirely untouched.
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Amazingly successful if you consider that much of the work was completed untouched by human hands or eyes.
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He particularly accepted the blame on the second one for allowing Horton to slip in behind him untouched.
Or do we farm much less land much more intensively, leaving entirely untouched land available for that wildlife?
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Among the untouched spots: the town of Ellamar on Virgin Bay, less than 2 miles from Bligh Reef.