Among the untrained staff who helped to perform the terminations was Gosnell's wife, Pearl.
BBC: Kermit Gosnell guilty of three murders in late-term abortions - BBC News
Some of the torrid back story might be lost on untrained noses like mine.
Since some facsimiles were made long ago, they look old to an untrained eye.
Being untrained in economics, they find his arguments irresistible and agree to follow his recommendations.
To the untrained eye, the painting is merely an array of abstract lines and circles.
Child care eats a terrifying proportion of the family budget, and many childminders are untrained.
Nationally collected data in each of the five countries pointed to high percentages of untrained teachers.
But most of them are young and untrained, and still need the neighbours' armed support.
Raw and untrained, her voice cuts through the clattering synths with an unexpected emotional resonance.
Pinn says the words can be jarring to the untrained ear, but they're still valid.
The causes were familiar: untrained, with white officers who were the castoffs of other units, poorly equipped.
These teachers themselves were untrained and recruited without any preparation to provide primary education to the children.
The document said that staff were untrained and had "very limited experience" of caring for sick and post-operative children.
They are full of dancing and clapping and screaming and shouting that may seem jarring to the untrained ear.
The scientists repeated the experiment on untrained volunteers and none noticed the gorilla.
These untrained teachers have different backgrounds of education, thus making training very difficult.
Some schools rely too much on "unfocused support from untrained staff", he adds.
For the untrained eye, the landscape looked barren, but then I started noticing details that had escaped the first probe.
The problem of untrained teachers is likely to be resolved by investing more effort in expanding the in-service teacher-training network.
Nearly every profession has its own jargon, those words and phrases that can come across as gobbledygook to the untrained ear.
Moving his art from drawings on the walls of his cell, the untrained Noguera manifested his cell wall creations to canvas.
Medical experts could not watch him 24 hours a day - instead, much observation work was left to untrained prison staff.
Liquid Helium and Liquid Nitrogen are incredibly dangerous in untrained hands and among some of the coldest substances in the universe.
What Goldberg found, not surprisingly, was that experienced neurologists were much more confident about their diagnoses than their untrained administrative assistants.
FORBES: Why Confident Entrepreneurs Fail: The Overconfidence Death Trap
Argenbright also has been under a federal investigation for allowing untrained employees -- some with criminal backgrounds -- to operate airport checkpoints.
Teaching reading and writing is a complex undertaking, especially when the learner is an adult, and the educator is an untrained volunteer.
UNESCO: Kha Ri Gude (Let Us Learn) Adult Literacy Programme (KGALP)
Four million people -- southerners -- were uneducated and untrained former slaves who wanted to be brought into the mainstream of America.
These teachers then become the target group for the NTU program, which drops back into the endless loop of training untrained teachers.
Gates, Ballmer and Myhrvold believe it's better to get a brilliant but untrained young brain--they're called "Bill clones"--than someone with too much experience.
Even the untrained eye can discern the fakes' inferiority compared with watches built by British masters like Thomas Tompion, George Graham, and Thomas Mudge.