When storms hit, these systems can overflow, sending untreated sewage into rivers, lakes, beaches, and drinking water supplies.
Unfortunately, these systems frequently overflow, and so untreated sewage and storm water runoff are expelled into surrounding water bodies.
Untreated sewage and the 1.3 million pounds of polychlorinated biphenyls that General Electric dumped in the Hudson River turned the harbor into a cesspool.
The court heard how the spills saw untreated sewage engulf areas around the loch, "smothering" plant life and starving the surrounding water of oxygen.
Certain sewage-treatment plants were damaged, and untreated sewage flowed into the river and then into Narragansett Bay, forcing a ban on shellfish-fishing throughout the state.
ECONOMIST: Things were bad enough in Rhode Island. Then the rains came
We knew something was wrong when algae began to coat rivers, when the smell from untreated sewage reached our communities, or when massive fish kills appeared in lakes and streams.
WHITEHOUSE: Blog Action Day: Protecting America��s Waters Today
The disposal of raw, untreated sewage on farmland in Scotland has led to fears that dangerous viruses may be lurking in the soil or finding their way into the water supply.
Most cities in the developing world discharge their sewage untreated into rivers or the sea.
If it spills into sewage plants, waste could flow untreated into the river.
Today, Harrisburg is struggling to upgrade other critical infrastructure, including a sewage treatment facility that sometimes dumps untreated wastewater into the Susquehanna river.
Delhi draws three-quarters of its drinking water from the Yamuna river, into which the city dumps quantities of sewage, almost all of it untreated, to join a cocktail of farm chemicals and industrial effluents, including arsenic.
Quantities of sewage are poured into it daily, 95% of which is untreated, and it is also a depository for industrial effluents, chemicals from farm runoffs and arsenic and fluoride contamination.