Notre Dame rushed forward with a stern-faced news conference, describing Te'o as an unwitting victim.
But MaxiVision's timing has made it an unwitting David to the emerging digital Goliath.
Every year surgeons perform thousands upon thousands of questionable or unnecessary procedures on unwitting patients.
What can be done to prevent using unwitting consumers in dire straits as guinea pigs?
Lured by hopes and dreams, they are unwitting participants in a trap, he says.
For example, SMS capability could lead to the unwitting receipt of mass text messages publicising secular events.
Increasingly common broadband Internet connections can make some people unwitting pawns in the game of trading them.
Extrapolating from its survey, Financial Fraud Action concludes that 380, 000 people could have become unwitting money mules.
BBC: Students warned not to get involved in money laundering
But when the third unwitting Lancastrian came to revive them, all he met was cold, York death.
Whether this misconstruction is wilful or unwitting Bagehot cannot say, though other commentators have been less reticent.
It may be that American forces were, again not for the first time, unwitting instruments for Afghan score-settling.
An apparently unwitting example of this fusion is found in Eide's attack against me in last Friday's Post.
An unwitting symbol, some might think, of a market that may be about to burst, it could be yours.
It prevents lenders from steering unwitting borrowers into subprime loans with incentive payments.
That answer, just published in Nature, is that parental trees are unwitting agents of destruction of their nearby offspring.
Unwitting allies may believe the lie and act on it to our detriment.
More sophisticated packaging and marking helps to alert unwitting consumers to counterfeited goods.
Again, his insistence that this failure might be unwitting has troubled many commentators.
And that lack of any warning, according to some cybersecurity experts, means that unwitting Web users need new legal protections.
In the last 16 months the feds have gone after three U.S. financial institutions for complicity--unwitting or otherwise--in drug-money laundering.
But one security researcher has revealed a tool that hides users in a less innocent guise: An unwitting victim's browser.
They eyeballed each ripple in the river, and then, without warning, violently pounced upon some unwitting sockeye for a morning snack.
WSJ: Learning to Fly Fish��And Fend Off the Grizzlies | Traveler's Tale
Lately, the search giant has also applied its moral code to real evildoers: Web sites that use shady software to exploit unwitting searchers.
Kosta Kovachev, a former broker registered with NASD, was charged with aiding Dreier in the sale of false promissory notes to unwitting hedge funds.
Doctors should not put themselves in a position where patients view them as willing (or unwitting) agents of the government working against their interests.
FORBES: Why Doctors Should Not Ask Their Patients About Guns
This is, however, contingent upon the possession of enough Islamic knowledge, in order to avoid becoming an unwitting participant in sinful actions and transgressions.
Management felt selling such a basket of bad loans to an unwitting buyer didn't pass the "smell test" and they simply wouldn't do it.
Many of those we give that unwitting permission to are in the arts, where gaining rock star status depends on a degree of freakiness.
FORBES: Small Business People Don't Automatically Get a Pass on Dressing for Success
Spielberg and Abrams are the unwitting targets of their own irony.
But what of the 50, 000 copies already downloaded by unwitting users?
ENGADGET: Google flips Android kill switch, destroys a batch of malicious apps (update)