One was his homemade radio, which could just pick up talk and music programmes broadcast from distant Chicago.
Finally, we wrap up with talk about TiVo's new ads that pop up while you're skipping ads and SlingPlayer for iPhone forcing users to buy new Sling hardware.
This is not in the article but was tweeted at me by Ashk4n and may provide further reason to read the piece: At a Start-up School talk last month, Palantir co-founder Stephen Cohen bragged about how his pattern-finding start-up makes grizzled government types turn into giddy teenagers ( 15:00 min mark).
Very few start-up companies talk about profitability, but its one of the most important metrics.
The meeting was set up to talk about guns and gangs in the area.
BBC: Shots fired 'three times in an hour' at Merseyside houses
He then opens up the Talk Fusion portal, browses to the saved video file, and uploads it.
Ten white guys who are all about 30 years old stand up to talk about their company.
He said six other political appointees at GSA recalled that when Jennings finished speaking, Doan herself stood up to talk.
At first blush, the hot uranium market appears to be all fired up by talk of a commercial nuclear renaissance.
Just open up and talk about it, ' because, as Bill says, you're not going to find anything outside of yourself to heal this.
At virtually every gas station we stopped at people came up to talk to us about the bike, our trip, or just to say hello.
It's very, very difficult to open up and talk about them.
BBC: Gillian waited years to get the correct diagnosis and help
And he has backed up that talk with these sanctions that have been put in place both on a multilateral scale, but also bilaterally as well.
And instead of just being uncomfortable as an adult could be sometimes, it's great to be able to see a kid just open up and talk and see what's going on.
It can seem arcane, understandably, when I and others stand up and talk about debt-to-GDP ratios and the need to not default on our obligations and to raise the debt ceiling.
It is also more efficient for the doctor who already knows the patient to order the fever work-up, talk to the family, or assess progress and the potential need for a change in the treatment.
WSJ: Should Medical Residents Be Required to Work Shorter Shifts?
It had been brewing for the whole of the campaign so far... there have been mutterings from many of the press corps about the lack of women politicians being put up to talk to us in the daily press conferences held by the Lib Dem, Tory and Labour parties.
In order to speed things up, there has been talk of drawing up a list of what Unscom needs in order to wrap up its inspections.
No one leapt up at the end of his talk, swept up by a moment.
The battery provides up to 1, 110 minutes of talk time and up to 720 hours (3G) or 580 hours (LTE) of standby time.
Unlike the inhabitants of Yorkshire, Lutonians do not talk up their home to outsiders.
How does a sports agency talk up one of its clients without inherently talking down another?
The politicians who dreamed up the directive talk about systemic risk, a concern for financial stability.
But CCS is proving easier to talk up than to get going (see article).
Inter-governmentalism favours big countries, which is why small ones talk up the role of Brussels.
The tall, curly-haired entrepreneur spends too much time with securities lawyers to talk up his own stock.