Anyone who tries to rush you into a deal is probably up to no good.
But Mr Blix's hunch before the war, that he was up to no good, wasn't far wrong.
Bernie Madoff was up to no good for years but it was the falling stock market that exposed his shenanigans.
Seasoned regulators admit that it will be hard to prove that Wall Street firms were systematically up to no good.
But the decision in the Andersen case has cheered lawyers and bosses, and not only those who might be up to no good.
They will then be able to respond precisely, rather than slogging around on fruitless and demoralising patrols on the off-chance of catching a poacher up to no good.
Mr Nolan said one of the people in the CCTV, which he suggested were young men, could be seen "running as if he had been up to no good".
He called police on 26 February, reporting there had been break-ins in the community, and that there was "a real suspicious guy" who "looks like he's up to no good".
Frequently, bad folks are simply up to no good.
FORBES: Morgan Stanley Broker Cited For Discretion And Unsolicited Trades
"If people are anxious, it's harder to detect if they're anxious because they're up to no good or anxious because of all the attention you are paying to them, " New York University professor Harvey Molotch said.
To avoid this don't agree to meet up, no matter how good it may seem and always tell your parents!
And charlatans see no reason to give up a good gig.
FORBES: The Rebirth Of The Snake Oil Salesman On Wall Street
If the Union's common foreign and security policy could be made to live up to its name better, there would be no harm at times, and possibly some good, in having military means to back it up.
Take the case of David, a financial professional from New York who's doing a good deed and had no idea he was opening himself up to swindlers.
But then everybody knows that not cultivating Mr Helms, whose latest fit of pique is holding up the confirmation of America's ambassador to Mexico, would do foreign policy no good.
Sadly, it's also an idea that is going out of style in a society where students expect to get good grades just for showing up, where everyone gets a ribbon no matter where they finish, and where parents scheme to get their kids into college by lobbying state legislatures to create set-asides for in-state residents at public universities.
Good news is no news: the preparatory meeting to set up a south-east European firefighting centre, part of the Regional Co-operation Council, is hardly worth mentioning even in Sarajevo (where it took place), let alone anywhere else.
His company doesn't sponsor projects, he said, but there was no harm in gathering up extra sandpaper, masking tape and grinder wheels to help a good cause.
Kids usually have a pretty good idea of what they want to be when they grow up, and no idea at all how much those jobs get paid.
Securitisation created a serious agency problem, leaving loan originators, who were paid up-front, with no incentive to avoid bad credits and every reason to piggyback inappropriate products onto good ones (in one particularly depressing tale, a retired postal worker whose mortgage is almost paid off is switched to an interest-only product that leaves him in danger of losing his home).
No matter how good a search engine is attached to the products, we still end up with more possibilities than anyone can comprehend.
There's no reason to doubt Robertson's story, and the good-guy pitcher swears up and down that, in fact, he is simply a klutz.
This will undoubtedly do no good for a company that is attempting to maintain its lead in hybrid cars as competitors line up to launch competing green models.