And several members of the Mexican government, including the President, Felipe Calderon, has urged the court panel to uphold justice for victims.
Each of these brave men and women goes to work not knowing what dangers might lie ahead, making tremendous sacrifices to uphold justice and protect the innocent.
"Californians are justifiably outraged by this court ruling, and it is important that the legislature join together to close whatever loopholes may exist in the law and uphold justice for rape victims, " he said.
"It's a tradition that really dignifies our profession, especially in the context of our commitment to uphold the city's justice, " says Mr. Tang.
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In this journey on Earth, there is nothing of greater consequence for us to devote our energies than to search for the truth, to pursue equal justice and to uphold the law.
"That being said, we respect the rule of law and we will uphold it, " the shadow justice secretary added, prompting laughter from government backbenchers.
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Justice Kennedy, then, seems unlikely to uphold the Texas preferences.
Justice Roberts was clearly looking for any rationale to uphold the law.
We welcome and wish to underscore the importance of Kenya's commitment to uphold its international obligations, including those with respect to international justice.
They had assured General Pervez Musharraf, the country's president, that the Supreme Court would uphold his removal in March of the country's chief justice, Iftikhar Chaudhry, on charges of corruption and misconduct.
Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia, in 2006, voted with a majority to uphold the death penalty in a Kansas case.
During the oral argument, the key "swing" Justice, Anthony Kennedy, indicated that he would only vote to uphold the individual mandate if he could find a logical stopping point to the government's argument.
Patrick Leahy, D-Vermont, chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, urged the bench -- and Chief Justice John Roberts in particular -- to "do the right thing" and uphold the mandate.
In 2000, for instance, William Rehnquist agreed to uphold Miranda despite years of animosity towards the ruling dating back to his tenure at the Department of Justice in the late 1960s.
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Chief Justice John Roberts was the deciding vote in that decision, agreeing with his liberal colleagues to uphold the individual mandate, which would financially punish people who do not purchase health insurance.
Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg wrote from the liberal side of the bench, urging the court to uphold the Act in its entirety and rejecting the Roberts view that the individual mandate exceeds the power of Congress to regulate interstate commerce.