Vince Gill, for one, wasn't going to let that stop him from his mission of uplift.
The principal, Peter Walker, wanted a building that would challenge and uplift his students.
The uplift felt artificial, far more primary-colored than the story and the rest of the opera.
And the Arcade Fire's radiant melodies, which help transform songs of disillusionment into uplift.
Mr Cameron provided hope and uplift in a speech that combined passion with precocious professionalism.
Thailand, while very attractive, does not have the same potential for an immediate currency uplift.
The survey suggests that 4G has actually offered an uplift to typical indoor speeds.
The bookshops in the mega churches are full of tomes on management as well as spiritual uplift.
While we wait and respect due process of law, we should do our part to uplift human personality.
These are major investments that uplift the skills, promote the health and increase the assets of all Singaporeans.
So by giving them a virtual product, it can drive and uplift sales.
If Italian stocks come back into favor, Eni investors could get an uplift.
The capacity for uplift is part of what makes us essentially, euphorically human.
In contrast, Andres Manual Lopez Obrador has an almost messianic belief that he's been called to uplift the masses.
But in the longer term, as more people enter the labour market, there should be permanent uplift for Europe's economies.
For British women, at least, a tan is all about "psychological uplift", says Anna-Marie Solowij, a contributing editor at Vogue.
Mr Brillstein's book, though a highly enjoyable read, scores lowest on moral uplift, because he is just not unpleasant enough.
MPs do not need a pay boost in excess of the formulaic annual uplift (2.3% this year) they get now.
At the very least Mr Brown should agree to the army's request for a permanent uplift of 2, 000 troops for Helmand.
The organizers have named the Tuesday after Thanksgiving as an annual moment to support the most vulnerable and uplift our communities.
It is believed that they were pushed into their present location seventy million years ago by the uplift of the Rocky Mountains.
It will join the other work being done to identify and remediate social, cultural, physical and legal barriers to uplift from poverty.
Production uplift occurs one to two years after the air is injected.
We should support and uplift these great entrepreneurs in every possible way.
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"I think it will help to uplift Droitwich and help restore it back to what it was - a wonderful spa, " he said.
International Jazz Day will educate the minds, uplift the spirits, and enhance the creativity of young people in our small villages and bustling cities.
Britain has already experienced much of the direct uplift from hosting the games, with infrastructure spending on stadiums and new transport schemes, for example.
It calls on all of us, Catholic and non-Catholic, to honor family, to protect life in all its stages, to serve and uplift the poor.
High rates of tectonic uplift, weak rocks, steep slopes, frequent earthquakes and extreme rainfall, all translate into a place Petley calls the "landslide capital of the world".
Moreover, those international students will buy houses, cars, computers for daily living and these will indirectly uplift the retail buying power and consequently uplift the US economy.