Harrell's parties were initially geared toward the upper class, but his clientele is changing.
"Another problem for the game is that is has an upper class image, " continued Lloyd.
They were people like Gordon, upper class men with stiff, and usually moustachioed, upper lips.
Austen's stories are those of the middle class, the gentry, and not the upper class, the aristocracy.
Opponents will argue that the wealth of the upper class should have no effect on the lower classes.
Their overtired bosses, meanwhile, can get a free in-flight massage if they travel Upper Class with Virgin Atlantic.
Inherent in their progress from the bottom of the totem pole as freshman to upper class seniors, are expectations.
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The people she studies seem mostly white, upper class Americans, but the habits she identifies are quite likely universal.
Since 2002, millions of citizens have been mainstreamed into the brackets of middle class and upper class in Brazil.
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George MacDonald Fraser, in the Flashman books, parodied this love of the upper class, well mannered, death defying hero.
Only a handful of Indian politicians - mostly the upper class and English-speaking - use social media to communicate.
Yet the mayor inherited a city whose upper class had all but disappeared.
In another time, being "lower-upper class" might actually have freed him to explore a few rungs up the social ladder.
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The writer, Jeffrey Abrams, combines feeble finger-pointing satire of the success-obsessed upper class with life lessons that are hard to swallow.
Although Mr Powell's upbringing was on upper class lines, he never had the prospect of being one of the idle rich.
Bawden plays the downtrodden Edwardian flower girl, whom a haughty phonetics professor attempts to pass off as an upper class lady.
Any examination of Mr Vidal's background dispels the old canard that there is no such thing as an American upper class.
It is tempting to say that Anthony Powell despised the upper class.
Most tragically, he lets his upper class solidarity lead to a medical decision which may have led to the death of his daughter.
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An ostentatious name, Benedict has never really fitted anywhere - too Catholic to be upper class, too long and Latin-sounding to be matey.
Favoring the middle class or the upper class is an ideal battle line for the Democrats, since the middle class holds more voting levers.
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"In most of the countries the numbers are reaching levels where they have exhausted the upper class and largely exhausted the middle class, " he says.
And here's another curiosity - Boris Johnson may play the bumbling, upper class toff to perfection and yet many people clearly love him for it.
Similarly, the middle class these days are having a hard time doing the savings that might elevate them from their class into the upper class.
Ross and his colleagues offered parallel columns of upper-class (U) speech versus the speech of (non-U) middle-class people trying to attain, or pretend to, upper-class status.
Thatcher, most British Conservative leaders after Churchill have shared a certain upper class anti-Americanism to which the current Conservative Leader, old-Etonian David Cameron, is not immune.
Widmerpool is always on the make, always pretending to be sympathetic to the latest political fad, the antithesis to the hopeless, if charming, losers of the upper class.
Republicans outnumber Democrats by two to one in the district, which includes the Hamptons, the New York upper class's version of Disneyland, as well as several retirement communities.
Many northerners voted for him because he was a Muslim or because most of them are as poor as any southern Nigerian, despite the north's wealthy and powerful upper class.