Much of this, however, may benefit only a thin upper crust of Indian society.
These are the thin upper crust of American small businesses, too few to matter in an election.
In the high Middle Ages, chess became a popular pastime for the upper crust, both men and women.
Schwab has the recently acquired Cybercorp for low-end day trading, Schwab for the masses and U.S. Trust for the upper crust.
And it would make sense: for-profits would disproportionately cater to nontraditional and marginal students, a bit like Ipesup does for the French upper crust.
FORBES: Does Higher Education Need To Go Back To The Fifties?
Whatever attraction they might have felt sounds less of the hot and heavy, panting teenage variety than a case of dignified, upper crust mutual admiration.
Though he had always felt like an outsider, he was surprised by the viciousness of the attacks, losing 14 pounds and any illusions that he would be accepted by the upper crust.
There were servants to address one's every material need, dinner in white tie and lavish gowns, and rules designed to keep the upper crust on top and the lower classes in their place.
Another worry for teams: The plethora of new stadiums and arenas now dotting the sports landscape are geared toward America's upper crust, a potential hedge against economic downturn that has yet to be tested.
But an optimist would point out that as the number of surfers doubled during the past three years, growth in Net use among less-affluent demographic segments has kept up with that of the upper crust.
People looking at Al Gore today see a product of the American upper crust: a presidential contender born in Washington, reared in a top-floor suite of a hotel along Embassy Row, his father a senator, his mother trained in law, the high-achieving parents grooming their prince for political success at the finest private schools in the East.
CNN: Excerpt: 'The Prince of Tennessee: The Rise of Al Gore'
Todd wanted to play up the bootmaker's historic appeal with the upper-crust set to attract style-sensitive social climbers.
Paltrow plays Lady Viola, an upper-crust aspiring actress who falls for young Shakespeare.
So far, upper-crust America has remained broadly in favour of it.
That would have been a feast, produced to the dictates of Delia, Jamie or Heston and probably involving porcini and creme fraiche, the words the English upper-crust use for mushrooms and sour cream.
As exotic-auto makers redefine what a superluxury car can be, their executives are attempting a delicate balancing act: maintaining the exclusive cachet of their upper-crust brands while pursuing new wealthy customers that lower-end luxury rivals are currently scooping up.
If the indignant depictions of the class system in so many Titanic dramas coexist uneasily with their adoring depictions of upper-crust privilege, that, too, is part of the appeal: it allows us to demonstrate our liberalism even as we indulge our consumerism.
Such concentrations are usually created by geological events, such as volcanic eruptions and tectonic plate shifts that steer hot metal-bearing fluids into upper, accessible parts of the Earth's crust, erosion, or massive sedimentary movements.
The rock is peridotite, which is one of the main rocks in the upper mantle, an area that provides a girth below the Earth's crust.