Meanwhile, in Cairo, clashes extended to areas around the Shura Council, the upper house of parliament.
The Indian government appointed him a member of the upper house of parliament in Delhi.
Egypt's upper house of parliament is receiving 90 new members Sunday morning, according to state-run Nile TV.
As a by-product, the upper house of parliament has voted to dismiss the justice minister, Monica Macovei.
Other want more autonomy, and perhaps even a tribal council that functions as an upper house of parliament.
Legislation for it is stuck in the Senate, the upper house of parliament, where Labor lacks a majority.
Changes in employment rules are seen as politically sensitive ahead of July elections for Japan's upper house of parliament.
In a separate development, India's upper house of parliament voted to impeach a high court judge on corruption charges.
Sir Garfield was rewarded for his support for black rule with a seat in the upper house of Parliament.
They sit in the upper house of parliament, the Federation Council, and are guaranteed a certain exposure to media attention.
Perhaps the most notorious insider is Mamdouh Ismail, a businessman and a former member of the upper house of Parliament.
Germany's upper house of parliament has rejected a deal with Switzerland to tax German assets held in Swiss bank accounts.
After stepping down as premier for the last time in 1992, he was appointed to Italy's upper house of parliament for life.
He reformed the upper house of parliament, removing the powerful regional governors who sat there ex-officio and replacing them with Kremlin appointments.
However, Mr Ignatiev did not refer to the subject when he testified in front of Russia's upper house of parliament on Wednesday.
The conservatives have already said they will fight his tax plans when they come before the opposition-controlled Bundesrat, the upper house of parliament.
It said the changes to the bill made by the upper house of parliament late last year had improved the legislation in "important ways".
Mr Fischer's popularity at home was confirmed in 1999, when he ran as an independent for the Czech Senate, the upper house of parliament.
The indistinct divide between the highest court in the land and the upper house of Parliament has long baffled both British and foreign observers.
And his most cherished reform, an emissions-trading scheme to tackle climate change, is stuck in the upper house of parliament, where his government lacks a majority.
"He follows the rugby spirit--in other words, the spirit of fair play, " says the wrestler, Hiroshi Hase, now a member of the upper house of parliament.
This was supposed to persuade the upper house of parliament to accept Mr Skuratov's resignation, which he had offered some weeks earlier under pressure and then withdrawn.
India has made efforts to improve ties, and this is reflected in better trade and people-to-people relations, Manmohan Singh told lawmakers in India's upper house of parliament.
India's cabinet has approved some key changes to the controversial anti-corruption Lokpal bill suggested by a committee of MPs from the Rajya Sabha, the upper house of parliament.
Questioning may revolve around whether it is possible for the Upper House of Parliament to be elected and not become more assertive in the use of its existing powers.
In a speech to the upper house of parliament, Mr Morsi said that after two years of turmoil, it was time for Egypt to turn to "production, work, seriousness".
Mr Fadhli was formerly an important ally of the president, Mr Saleh, and served in the upper house of parliament as a member of the ruling General People's Congress.
ECONOMIST: Yemen is threatened by secessionists and terrorists alike
But Essam Erian, a senior member of the Muslim Brotherhood's Freedom and Justice Party and leader of the majority party in Egypt's upper house of Parliament, criticized the proposed boycott.
The two trade-unionists are preparing for membership of the newly invented upper house of parliament, to which trade unions, professional associations and similar bodies, beside local councils, will send representatives.