Further upriver, Marie leads the way in a thrilling scramble though a maze of overground caverns.
That was allowing saltwater to begin working its way upriver, which could threaten some water supplies.
An RSPCA spokesman said seals sometimes swim upriver following fish when there are peak high tides.
Next summer the massive Gilgel Gibe III Dam is scheduled to begin operations several hundred miles upriver.
Ms Bell said while grey seals do travel upriver, their bodies are adapted to salt water conditions.
If you proceed upriver on a more extended trek, you will find camping sites every mile or two.
Upriver in Vicksburg, Mississippi, Police Chief Walter Armstrong said 600 residents had been evacuated as of Thursday night.
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The only difference for the Idaho (upriver) stocks is that they have to go through four more dams.
While areas downriver continued to brace for the growing flood, a glimmer of recovery hope flickered in one area upriver.
"It might have expended a lot of energy swimming upriver against the flood water, so hopefully it's finding food, " she said.
Officials say 1.13m have been moved from towns and villages upriver to make way for a reservoir that will stretch for 660km.
Their massive, India-built carracks, riding monsoon winds from the Spice Islands, would unload upriver at Canton and take on Chinese silks and porcelain.
However, those of a romantic cast of mind cannot help wondering where the boats go after they drop off the tourists, chugging upriver and out of sight.
Participants use traditional rowing skiffs in a five-day journey upriver.
But a cynic might further conclude that to the extent that upriver dams smooth a flow's seasonal extremes, China's upriver projects actually make ones in downstream countries more feasible, too.
Even if you had never seen the ocean you had a picture of it in your head from what you had been told by foreign people who sometimes came upriver.
Down at the dockside (where fast catamarans will take you 16km upriver to MONA), it is all waterside dining with views over the working fishing port, Antarctic icebreakers and tall ships.
After gathering upriver in west London, the flotilla made its way from Battersea Bridge to Tower Bridge, passing through the heart of Britain's capital city over the course of several hours.
Nearby residents say water quality upriver has visibly worsened.
Even less remembered are the Portuguese pilots who steered Spanish ships along both coasts of the continent in the sixteenth century, probing upriver to Bangor, Maine, and all the way to Oregon.
Upriver here and at the Sandrift River, which runs parallel 10 miles to the east, the colour of the water is striking - imagine looking into a cup of strong, dark coffee.
Eighteen ships from five nations, including tall sailing ships from the Mexican and Indian navies, will be sent upriver by a 21-gun salute from Fort Hamilton, in the shadow of the Verrazano-Narrows Bridge.
As STRATFOR has explained previously, however, rainfall would have to occur in the upriver areas of southern Venezuela, along the border of Bolivar state and Brazil, for the Guri dam reservoir to rise.
While the source of the pigs is being sought, rumors have it that livestock upriver are dying of disease and authorities have cracked down on the sale of sick and dead animals to abattoirs.
And so you could have someone seeing the boat come upriver, flee into the forest, perhaps not very used to butchering chimpanzees, so he gets cut in the process of feeding himself and family in the forest.
Bosse points to a study conducted by the Plan for Analyzing and Testing Hypotheses, a 25-member group of biologists, engineers and statisticians representing federal entities, states and tribes, that compared upriver stocks of salmon to downriver socks.
It is the major 3 mile long bridge connecting the west side of the Hudson River and Rockland County New York with the east side in Westchester County, 20 miles upriver from the George Washington Bridge.
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To take only the two most obvious examples, Sir Nicholas Serota, a former young Turk, presides at the new Tate, Britain's most popular gallery, and Charles Saatchi's once shocking collection of Brit art is on display in museum-space that he colonised in London's staid old County Hall upriver.