Such disasters seem inevitable given the recent upsurge in illegal migration by perilous sea crossings.
GARCIA-NAVARRO: She says Basra also saw an upsurge of honor killings for the same simple reason.
So Colombia looks set for another upsurge of violence, after 38 years of civil conflict.
Whether the lagoon's delicate ecosystem could support such an upsurge in activity is debatable.
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For one thing, employment is high and fears of an upsurge in unemployment are low.
On Tuesday the United Nations Security Council strongly condemned the latest upsurge in fighting.
The Commercial Farmers Union reports a massive upsurge in land invasions in the days since the agreement was announced.
India is setting up a new body to cope with an upsurge in cases.
This upsurge of support saw the authorities struggling to open a channel for communication with Mr Hazare.
Any upsurge in violence might cause great damage to the island's main source of domestic income, tourism.
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And when they do, there will be an upsurge in usage because women-owned businesses are under-using online marketing.
The company hasn't made any major alterations in recent years, nor witnessed an upsurge in complaints about Milk Tray, he adds.
But achieving this outcome, rather than a renewed upsurge of violence, depends on persuading Mr Sistani to compromise.
Already, the upsurge of violence has forced America to put more troops there than military planners originally projected.
But an upsurge in fighting may make more people in southern Somalia hungry.
If an area showed an upsurge in crime, the department would rapidly throw in extra resources to combat it.
In addition, she points out, if the upsurge in inflation is sustained, price-to-earnings ratios can get a lot lower.
Mr Schily will have to steer between the need for immigrants and the risks of an upsurge in xenophobia.
The upsurge of divorce in the 1970s was caused by new social mores and legislative changes rather than affluence.
The number was increased in February to take advantage of the expected upsurge in travel ahead of the World Cup.
It is true that the abolition of the death penalty is seldom the result of an upsurge of general revulsion.
An upsurge in anti-dumping cases is likely in Latin America, especially if Brazil devalues, as Colombia and Ecuador already have.
The commanders noted that during the first Falluja offensive in April this year there was an upsurge of violence in Mosul.
Amid the Boy Scouts' turmoil, there's been an upsurge of inquiries from parents about possible participation in the Pathfinders, Black said.
The BIC meeting is taking place against the backdrop of an upsurge of sectarian violence in Belfast over the last few weeks.
Vice President Cheney said Monday that he believes the upsurge in violence in Iraq is aimed at influencing next week's congressional elections.
The upsurge in violence comes a month after American forces withdrew from Iraq's towns and cities, handing over security to Iraqi forces.
There was not much of an upsurge in entertainment after the restart.
"You can tell there is an upsurge going on here, " he said.
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Kenyatta's party also asked the high commissioner, Christian Turner, to explain what it called "the sudden upsurge of British military personnel" in Kenya.