Rivers flowing to the sea, a flame reaching upward, a bird homing: these movements all represent objects yearning to be their true selves, to achieve their true state.
Each neuron has a long fiber, or axon, that stretches upward through a tiny opening in the bone above it and into the olfactory bulb, a plum-size mass in the front of the brain, behind the forehead.
It felt good to be on a rock-free surface, even as it veered upward at a 40- and then 50-degree angle.
Prof Peter Woodward points upward to a huge structure built from bright yellow girders.
Led by Chief Executive LesMoonvesLes Moonves, CBS has seen its stock price edge upward after a slow start.
Led by Chief Executive Les Moonves , CBS has seen its stock price edge upward after a slow start.
Despite the kiss-of-death name, it resurfaced on Google 's YouTube, where it has since been viewed upward of a million times.
Gasoline prices have spiked upward, a result largely of OPEC production cutbacks.
The point man is 5 feet 6 inches tall and was shooting upward at a tall man as he poked his head out of his bedroom.
According to figures released earlier this month, GDP grew at an annualised rate of 4.3% in the third quarter, revised upward from a preliminary estimate of 3.8% issued in November.
Despite the kiss-of-death name, it resurfaced on Google 's (nasdaq: GOOG - news - people ) YouTube, where it has since been viewed upward of a million times.
The lifting mechanism pushes the moist air upward to a point in the atmosphere where the thinner air can no longer hold the moisture, at which time precipitation forms and falls to the ground.
He predicted the cage that is used will have a diameter of 55 centimeters (21.7 inches) to 60 centimeters (23.6 inches) and will be pulled upward at a rate of one meter per second, meaning each man could make the trip in 10 to 12 minutes.
Its refrigerant is R-22, a chlorofluorocarbon that will probably leak out, taking to the sky, with the very slight chance that it will be wafted upward by a thunderstorm so powerful that it penetrates the stratosphere, depositing it where catalyzes the destruction of springtime ozone, especially over Antarctica.
FORBES: Why Do We Fear The Harmless While Irrationally Putting Ourselves In Harm's Way?
My guess is it will and that indeed a year from now it will have moved strongly upward vis-a-vis the U.S. dollar.
Another one executes a terrifying circle in the air before resuming its upward flight, a plume of smoke and fire thundering out behind it.
He believes the stock market will prove to be a rewarding experience for investors in 2012 as the economy continues an upward trek towards a healthy recovery.
FORBES: Expect Market Leadership Change Away From Defensives To Healthcare, Energy And Tech
The reality is that investors may have become overoptimistic on the prospects of housing and the speed of a possible recovery that will be slow and gradual at most, and will resemble more an upward climb than a walk in the park.
FORBES: Watch Out With Housing: Disapointing Sales And Sandy Reveal Weak Recovery
Worse yet, this latest damaging stalemate came against a Sunderland side that - for all the upward mobility suggested by a five-game unbeaten run - last won away in the league on the opening weekend of the season.
Films that were expected to bring in upward of half a billion apiece failed to perform.
Within 15 years, upward of half a million birch trees have replanted on their own.
Chung's ideal stock is on the upward swing of a curve marked by rapid unit growth.
As the stock extends its upward momentum, a short-squeeze situation could propel RYL even higher.
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The key is that in one calendar quarter, we saw an upward change at a 4.5 percent annualized rate.
FORBES: Bernanke's Big Question: What's Ahead For Inflation?
Doing those things could have upward of over a 25% improvement in health care costs over the next five years.
The stock has been on a steady upward tear since July, not making even the tiniest pause for a consolidation.
FORBES: Netflix And Baidu Maintain Momentum, Chinese Solar Stocks Sizzle
That will put more upward pressure on a currency that more than doubled in value against the dollar during Lula's eight years as president.
If WMT can extend its upward momentum, a reversal in sentiment among the options crowd could also translate into a contrarian boon for the shares.
FORBES: Contrarian Offensive Plays In Three Defensive Stocks
There is rational performance-related justification for this increase but the Court of Public Opinion may still adjudge the upward trend as a defiance of marketplace preference and ongoing scrutiny of executive pay.
FORBES: Wall Street's Prestige: The Less There Is to Go Around, the More Valuable It Gets
His career has continued on a steady upward curve in the intervening two years, with two quarter-final appearances at the US Open and a semi-final spot in Australia this year.