But combining signals from multiple towers in an urban area can locate a phone within 50 yards.
Whether or not you come from a rural area, urban area, or suburban area is also considered.
As Meeusen tells it, haphazard development around the park left Disneyland isolated in the middle of an urban area.
But in my mind, you can have a small town, a niche community within a large urban area, too.
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Assuming you're standing at a given spot in an urban area you would be at most 164ft (50m) away.
Indianapolis, the capital and home to Eli Lilly, was the second-fastest growing big urban area in the mid-west in the 1990s.
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Hurricanes pump huge amounts of surge water from the open Gulf of Mexico into close proximity with a large urban area.
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Girlfriends on the Go (GOG) have a median age 34, live in an urban area, with less than 50% having children.
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Some rockets sparked more brushfires, one of which threatened an urban area.
AutoZone realized a store in an urban area would have a different clientele and different types of cars from a suburban outlet.
We may think, for example, of Boston, which ranks fifth in the world in per capita GDP, as a tightly packed urban area.
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Some assume a walk in a crowded urban area will be slower than in a park, while others ignore stops at traffic lights.
Herman also coordinates with regional partners to integrate plans and share resources through the Regional Catastrophic Preparedness Team and Urban Area Working Group.
The 120 million square foot urban area will be built around a 2.4-mile long lake, and house up to 180, 000 inhabitants once complete.
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Built in 1930, it was the city's only pre-World War II theatre in an urban area and enjoyed an active heyday of screenings, performances and events.
Mr Van Ee laments that the town he arrived in some 20 years ago is now the fastest growing urban area in the country.
The CIPD says shire councils could also introduce different pay for their teachers depending on whether they worked in a rural or urban area.
There is even a word for the very biggest, the megacity, sometimes defined as an urban area with a population of more than ten million.
Still, Mr Ciafardini reckons that the 12m inhabitants of the capital and the urban area around it suffered 3.5m robberies or violent crimes in 1998.
The TDI engine charges the battery while driving in order to store enough electrical energy for EV operation later in the journey-for instance, in an urban area.
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In phase three, the helicopter crew radioed a commander to say that at least six armed men had entered a partially constructed building in a dense urban area.
As might be expected, diners leave larger tips when the restaurant is elegant or in an urban area, when the food quality is high, and when the weather is pleasant.
The fastest road near an urban area is California Route 73, a six-lane freeway in Orange County that connects Santa Ana and San Juan Capistrano through the San Joaquin Hills.
I-69, the proposed Montreal-Mexico City freeway, through the Valley, a case strengthened by the fact that the region remains the largest urban area in the United States without an interstate highway.
In 2008, seven educational institutions in the urban area of Soacha, Cundinamarca, were running this programme and a total of 6, 900 people took part in the programme including children, young people and adults.
In Spain, there's new legislation that's proposed and it's going to be discussed this autumn to have a 30-year gap between a fire destroying a land and it being reclassified as an urban area.
Disney, which also owns a local baseball team, the California Angels, based at Anaheim, in the same urban area, is launching a new sports channel, challenging Mr Murdoch's Fox Sports channel to serve up more exciting fare.
Meanwhile, another fire broke out on the other side of the urban area Friday, but that event was described as a vegetation fire, occurring in the suburb of Glendale, the Los Angeles Fire Department said on its Twitter account.
Situated about 12 km west of central Hong Kong, the park will be linked to the airport and the urban area by a spur from the existing high-speed rail line to the airport, and by highway and by ferry.
When we think of cybersecurity threats, most often we imagine a smelly and unshaven super-genius, holed up in a ramshackle studio apartment in a dodgy urban area, working through a high-speed Internet connection to penetrate the defenses of surrounding servers.