So there is a demonstrated record of a capability of empowering urban communities.
As regards human consumption, the main source of demand comes from urban communities requiring water for drinking, sanitation and drainage.
Urban communities could be given powers that would allow them to take over unused land and grow crops, flowers or plant trees.
So it happens a lot in this community, particularly in urban communities.
When I go to Aurora, that's what people in Colorado do. (Applause.) In urban communities all across America, that's what you do.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Speaks at the National Urban League Convention | The White House
But on the other hand, you still have a lot of it occurring on a routine basis, particularly in significant urban communities where there are large black populations, Hispanic populations.
According to UNESCO, a CLC is as a community-based non-formal educational institution or organisation which provides a range of services and learning opportunities to out-of-school children, youth and illiterate or semi-literate adults from socially disadvantaged rural and urban communities.
The City of Irvine, incorporated in 1971, is considered to be one of the largest planned urban communities in the nation, encompassing more than 65 square miles, some 200, 000 people, and featuring industrial zones, residential and recreational areas, and businesses.
Many have insurance, but live in underserved areas, whether in urban or rural communities.
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Their connections with urban and suburban communities are critical to our economy and to the nourishment of our people.
We also recognize the vital ties between our urban and suburban communities and their local farmers through regional food systems, farmers markets, and community gardens.
That history helps explain the wealth and income gap between blacks and whites, and the concentrated pockets of poverty that persist in so many of today's urban and rural communities.
Investing in infrastructure could enhance market efficiencies, promote green jobs, improve the environment and provide needed employment opportunities in urban and rural communities, as well as on Native American Tribal Lands.
Gerard Pantin, a Roman Catholic priest and Mr. Wes Hall, a Barbadian cricketer, to establish SERVOL. Since then, SERVOL has been implementing intergenerational, family and community-based life and vocational skills training, enterprise development, psychosocial counselling, educational and empowerment projects in disadvantaged and marginalised urban and rural communities.
Should significant parts of the electrical power infrastructure be lost for any substantial period of time, the Commission believes that the consequences are likely to be catastrophic, and many people may ultimately die for lack of the basic elements necessary to sustain life in dense urban and suburban communities.
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Local authorities should ensure the involvement of migrant communities in urban decision-making processes by establishing channels for representation and participation.
And we need to do this in all communities: urban, rural, everywhere.
"It creates more density on the land you already own, which a lot of communities prefer to urban sprawl, " Bucksbaum says.
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Today, our cities are faced with overdevelopment that has simultaneously damaged our environment, isolated low-income communities in the urban core, and maintained an unsustainable economic model.
The leaders agreed to derive policies to enable the people of urban, provincial and rural communities in every APEC economy to have individual or community-based access to information and services offered via the Internet by 2010.
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Peskin, who estimates that there are about 20, 000 neighborhood watch groups nationwide, said there has been an increase in requests for information on starting groups from all over the country including urban, suburban and rural communities.
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You come from urban, suburban, rural communities.
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Previously, he conducted policy research in the Metropolitan Housing and Communities Center at The Urban Institute, and also worked to build the capacity of nonprofit organizations abroad.
He said it was "inevitable" that these deprived urban areas would replace south Wales communities as the most unhealthy places as the Welsh towns got over the health legacy of heavy industry.
But gated communities have also grown in urban areas and among income groups other than the super wealthy.
Others put the future of humanity into stark context, warning that our rate of urban growth is unsustainable and destructive to communities and to the environment.
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That's why I've been fighting to create millions of new jobs in clean energy and rebuilding our infrastructure, jobs to come to all of our states, and urban and rural areas, and suburban communities and small towns.
And you can see that in urban areas all across the country where communities that may have been hollowed out when manufacturing left, or were having problems because of an aging population, suddenly you see an influx of immigration, and you see streets that were full of boarded-up buildings, suddenly they're vibrant with life once again.
The government said the varied communities - rural, suburban and urban - had different approaches and ideas.
Even in highly populated urban areas, there are elderly-rich communities where members are living alone and suffering from a lack of social interaction.
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