Mr Brown said departments concerned with education and urban regeneration would also be involved.
Eddie Smith, chief executive of urban regeneration company New East Manchester, also welcomed the news.
The project was intended to drive urban regeneration close to Manchester City Football Club's Eastlands stadium.
But the leaders of provincial cities are keen to broaden the focus of urban regeneration projects.
Ilex, the urban regeneration company, said it has technicians on site this week to resolve the problem.
There is an opportunity to conduct this urban regeneration in a way that embodies Brazil's amazing cultural depth.
Pacific Quay is at the heart of a major urban regeneration scheme involving a number of agencies, businesses and organisations.
The intention from the start was for the investment fund to sell the sites to raise cash for urban regeneration schemes.
Following an evidence session with representatives of the Ilex Urban Regeneration Company from Londonderry, the committee turned to the Armed Forces and Veterans Bill.
Under the auspices of the government-sponsored Urban Regeneration Station project, derelict warehouses and factories are being converted into creative hubs for up-and-coming artists and designers.
During his time in Liverpool, he has been highly involved in urban regeneration across the city, and has championed community-led regeneration in lectures, articles and broadcasts.
The Director-General further underscored that tangible and intangible heritage are sources of social cohesion, factors of enrichment through diversity and drivers of creativity, innovation and urban regeneration.
The CPRE says anti-sprawl policies encourage urban regeneration, make public transport more viable and reduce people's reliance on their cars by siting homes closer to shops and services.
These creative zones are widely used in urban regeneration projects.
Which is why although they are expensive to build and costly to run, such cultural buildings are seen as an ace in the pack when it comes to urban regeneration.
But getting clearance from the commission may seriously delay or even derail the programme, judging by another of Mr Monti's inquiries which is now holding up some plans for urban regeneration.
The Welsh and Cardiff city governments try to address these problems with more urban regeneration - and sometimes with increased monitoring of immigrant areas and programmes to foster tolerance among Welsh people.
Established as a pilot operation in 1999 and one of 19 English urban regeneration companies whose job is to stimulate investment, New East Manchester is co-ordinating plans for regeneration east of the centre.
New public-private urban regeneration companies, which have planning and compulsory purchase power, similar to ones already introduced in Sheffield, Liverpool and Manchester, are also likely to be backed in new areas such as Leicester.
Even before it was formally established earlier this year, the nearby Central Salford Urban Regeneration Company had commissioned Mr Fuksas in Rome to draw up a regeneration framework, due to be presented later this month.
However, the report did warn that Tyneside could still fall into the trap of 'buzz to bland' if the creativity and character of the area is lost in the commercial development rush of urban regeneration.
BBC: NEWS | UK | England | Tyne/Wear | 'Brain gain' for Tyneside
Saltaire World Heritage Site is best known for being a Victorian project in urban regeneration: a neoclassical village on the edges of Bradford, built by industrialist Titus Salt to improve the living conditions for his textile mill employees.
Major developments under way include one of Scotland's largest urban regeneration projects at Raploch and Forthside, the new 40-acre city centre quarter under construction on the waterfront, as well as a new sports village at Forthbank.
BBC: NEWS | UK | Scotland | Tayside and Central | City launches new marketing drive
Urban Splash has worked on regeneration projects in Liverpool, Manchester and Birmingham.
The GRC was also a partner in the EC project RESCUE (Regeneration of European sites in Cities and Urban Environments).
Ecodyfi, a group set up to boost economic regeneration in Machynlleth and the surrounding Dyfi Valley, is also concerned about lagging behind urban areas.
BBC: NEWS | UK | Wales | Mid | Sites gather broadband support
The event last July was subtitled "New York Reinvented, " and some 150 French and European mayors, urban planners, developers and architects toured such recent local triumphs as the High Line, Brooklyn Bridge Park and community regeneration projects in the Bronx.