• It is hard to know whether this ambition was in earnest at the time or simply the fallback position of a hyper-urbane young person with a mild case of disaffection.

    NEWYORKER: What She Said

  • Back in Davos the urbane Monti put a positive spin on his setbacks, saying the court decisions came at an ideal time, since he was restructuring his office anyway.

    FORBES: On The Cover/Top Stories

  • "Alwi Shihab may speak English and Arabic very well, " a political analyst says of the urbane new Foreign Minister, a former professor of comparative religion at Harvard.

    CNN: ASIANOW - TIME Asia | Indonesia: Too Many Cooks?

  • The urbane activity with which a man receives money is really marvellous, considering that we so earnestly believe money to be the root of all earthly ills, and that on no account can a monied man enter heaven.

    NPR: Excerpt: 'Moby-Dick'

  • The members of the group, which includes an urbane young doctor, a vain and verbose prosecutor, a Gogol-esque clerk with a laptop computer, and a punctilious military officer standing guard, grow increasingly irritable as they slog through lonely and uninviting terrain.

    NEWYORKER: Once Upon a Time in Anatolia

  • So western diplomats are touting a next-best option, with Turkey's urbane foreign minister, Ismail Cem, a member of Ecevit's party, taking the helm and Mr Dervis still running the economy.

    ECONOMIST: Turkey's drifting government: What next? | The

  • In a campaign that pitted him against George Smitherman, an urbane, gay politician who had given up a cabinet post in the centre-left Liberal provincial government to run, Mr Ford won votes by promising both to cut taxes and improve services for Toronto's 2.5m residents.

    ECONOMIST: The Toronto mayor's race: Time for tea? | The

  • But these same themes, which are handled in a pointed, urbane and literary way in the first volume, become dangerously solemn in the second, as Huxley begins to take them (and himself) more seriously.

    ECONOMIST: Essays

  • He's an urbane, well spoken, fiercely inquiring man, with a successful business.

    BBC: A Point of View: Race, class and house parties

  • Guardiola, with his 14 major trophies in five years, is the urbane architect of the world's most stylish team, a custodian of tiki-taka soccer.

    WSJ: Bayern Munich's Tough Manager Call

  • Urbane and urban: "Hitch" is very much a tale of Manhattan -- lower Manhattan, where Ms. Mendes's Sara works as a gossip columnist for an upmarket downtown tabloid, and farther-flung parts of the island, where Hitch counsels gauche, lovelorn men in the art of approaching and attracting the women of their dreams.

    WSJ: Will Power

  • With such a pedigree, Mr Achleitner is already being tipped to succeed Allianz's urbane chairman, Henning Schulte-Noelle.

    ECONOMIST: The poacher as gamekeeper

  • General Motors (nyse: GM - news - people ), which has a strategic alliance with the Japanese manufacturer, seems to want the vehicle to be not just urbane, but international.

    FORBES: The Biggest Subaru Ever

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