It is hard to know whether this ambition was in earnest at the time or simply the fallback position of a hyper-urbane young person with a mild case of disaffection.
Back in Davos the urbane Monti put a positive spin on his setbacks, saying the court decisions came at an ideal time, since he was restructuring his office anyway.
"Alwi Shihab may speak English and Arabic very well, " a political analyst says of the urbane new Foreign Minister, a former professor of comparative religion at Harvard.
The urbane activity with which a man receives money is really marvellous, considering that we so earnestly believe money to be the root of all earthly ills, and that on no account can a monied man enter heaven.
The members of the group, which includes an urbane young doctor, a vain and verbose prosecutor, a Gogol-esque clerk with a laptop computer, and a punctilious military officer standing guard, grow increasingly irritable as they slog through lonely and uninviting terrain.
So western diplomats are touting a next-best option, with Turkey's urbane foreign minister, Ismail Cem, a member of Ecevit's party, taking the helm and Mr Dervis still running the economy.
In a campaign that pitted him against George Smitherman, an urbane, gay politician who had given up a cabinet post in the centre-left Liberal provincial government to run, Mr Ford won votes by promising both to cut taxes and improve services for Toronto's 2.5m residents.
But these same themes, which are handled in a pointed, urbane and literary way in the first volume, become dangerously solemn in the second, as Huxley begins to take them (and himself) more seriously.
He's an urbane, well spoken, fiercely inquiring man, with a successful business.
Guardiola, with his 14 major trophies in five years, is the urbane architect of the world's most stylish team, a custodian of tiki-taka soccer.
Urbane and urban: "Hitch" is very much a tale of Manhattan -- lower Manhattan, where Ms. Mendes's Sara works as a gossip columnist for an upmarket downtown tabloid, and farther-flung parts of the island, where Hitch counsels gauche, lovelorn men in the art of approaching and attracting the women of their dreams.
With such a pedigree, Mr Achleitner is already being tipped to succeed Allianz's urbane chairman, Henning Schulte-Noelle.
General Motors (nyse: GM - news - people ), which has a strategic alliance with the Japanese manufacturer, seems to want the vehicle to be not just urbane, but international.