Yet since the last big Himalayan quake, in 1950, India's population has trebled and urbanised.
Hundreds of millions of its people are now urbanised, educated, literate, informed, intellectual and opinionated.
Australia's most urbanised beaches still represent the hedonistic, social side of beach going.
The results for urbanised Himba were "indistinguishable" from the results of undergraduates taking the same tests in London, said Dr Linnell.
Would imposing a charge to enter Holland's highly urbanised Randstad which the Dutch government is considering cause fewer vehicles to come in?
In urbanised western Europe, 80% of journeys are below 60km, and 20% of cars in Europe about 20m vehicles never go any further.
In that period, Colombia has changed from an inward-looking country ruled by an oligarchical elite into an increasingly dynamic and urbanised democracy.
He contests UN estimates that over three-fifths of the country is urbanised.
Newly urbanised Texans buy their pickups to make a similar statement.
It is also not a "fleeting" impact, she suggests, as the tests show that urbanised people from this tribe have developed a different way of looking at events.
This free-for-all is almost as alien to the better educated, more law-abiding, Sunni citizens of Taiz, the most urbanised region in the north, or Hodeida, its main port, as it is to the southerners.
Better infrastructure and education in the more urbanised north mean that the benefits of Mexico's membership of the North American Free-Trade Agreement have accrued there, while income in the south stagnates because of low productivity.
It's still a place where hopelessly urbanised weekenders and second-homers are willing to pay handsomely for rustic experiences, provided only too happily by locals whose other sources of income (such as whaling and potato farming) have long vanished.
Both disaffected groups have tended to support the Liberal Party, and many of their members live in marginal constituencies along the urbanised east coast, where Labor needs to snatch only a handful of seats to take power.
Mohammed Ali, the Pakistani who launched it, argues that the approach that Bradford's various Asians take to education depends mainly on their socio-economic background: the children of Sikhs from rural areas, for example, do worse than Muslim youngsters whose parents are urbanised East Africans.