The note also promotes the urgent need for adaptation in the management of water.
Steve Enoch, from PCH said, no-one in urgent need of care had been put at risk.
The Report also emphasizes the urgent need for improved statistics and indicators on engineering.
But the main lesson for America should be the urgent need to update its voting technology.
Interestingly, the Advisory Commission on Public Diplomacy report recognized the urgent need for just such help.
CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: For A Free Europe �� Radio Free Europe
There is also an urgent need to take quick political decisions to remove export-related regulatory bottlenecks.
Now, the American Jobs Act answers the urgent need to create jobs right away.
The United Nations says that 1.8m are in urgent need of water, food and shelter.
There is an urgent need for a recovery and renewal in the church, Dolan said.
So, why the urgent need to force the rest of us to call it marriage, too?
Only last month did he finally start discussing the urgent need for supply-side reforms.
It has an urgent need of imported uranium to cope with a worsening energy shortfall.
Gripped by the urgent need to raise cash, foreigners have sold whatever assets they can.
But neither is it clear that Venezuela's most urgent need is for radical constitutional change.
Their report says that there is an urgent need for investment in low carbon, interconnected and innovative energy systems.
There is an urgent need for the development of more modern techniques of vaccine production.
Now that the crisis has passed, there is no urgent need to invoke the New York v.
But its badly rusted structure and chipped white paint has left it in urgent need of refurbishment.
The latest data confirm that there is no urgent need for aggressive rate cutting at this point.
Senior state Republicans understand the party's urgent need to expand its appeal beyond its base, he says.
With such a chasm between the two sides, Mr Arafat is in urgent need of American-built bridges.
Hence, the increasingly urgent need for the Fed's chairman, Ben Bernanke, to let down his new admirers gently.
Havens Hospices had said the two-storey building at Leigh-on-Sea would respond to "an urgent need" for extra capacity.
Hood replied that medical experts testified during trial that the policy satisfied an "urgent need" to protect fetuses.
CNN: Hospital says baby safety outweighs mom's rights in prenatal drug-testing case
Finally we heard from a broad cross-section of thinkers about the urgent need for more effective worker training.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Closes Forum on Jobs and Economic Growth
The third challenge we must address is the urgent need to expand the promise of education in America.
We have social problems in several this is an urgent need to really invest more in agriculture.
"There is the urgent need to save these important sectors of the economy, " one economist told the BBC.
And there is an urgent need in Europe to establish an enhanced firewall and to control this crisis.
With the stimulus bill the flaws were forgivable: there was an urgent need to give the economy a boost.