Mr Bowker is desperately urging the industry to provide evidence that it can deliver value for taxpayers' money.
Gay equality charity Stonewall Scotland is sending postcards to MSPs urging them to support same-sex marriage.
Some farmers, however, are urging new initiatives between the food industry, scientists and government.
As Steve Hanke explains on page 180, the experts are urging that something be done.
And we are urging other countries to help Egypt and Tunisia meet its near-term financial needs.
Ungar and others are wisely urging homeowners to try to get improvements done by Dec. 31.
Milford, Connecticut, is one of the few cities that have responded to HUD's urging.
Many senior citizens, for example, have no need to heed TV ads urging them on.
Commanders are urging soldiers to attend, and other branches of the service offer similar programs.
Schwarzenegger warned lawmakers about the cuts last week, urging them to approve the latest budget proposal.
Soon he was urging the Chinese company to scale up the batteries for cars.
The centrist Democratic group Third Way sent a letter to congressional leaders urging the bipartisan seating.
WSJ: Odd Couples Form in Seating for State of the Union Address
And Smith is urging his men to pull off a repeat against the Sandgrounders.
He's also urging distributors to train employees to hawk CDs and explain how LidRock works.
The campaign is also urging patients to ask questions about the tests their physicians prescribe.
FORBES: Physician Organizations Voluntarily Heal Themselves To Save Healthcare Dollars
Puris was urging clients to look beyond the 30-second TV ad almost 20 years ago.
Backbenchers might propose a tougher rejoinder - perhaps urging an outright cut in the budget.
We've conducted tens of news conferences about this, urging the station to be shut down immediately.
The letter is urging member firms to vote "no" on any ballot they receive from NASD.
Mr Duncan Smith is urging businesses, councils and voluntary groups to help support families.
He recently sent a letter to insurance commissioners in other states urging they take similar steps.
He recently sent letters to insurance commissioners in other states urging they take similar steps.
Westchester County's Board of Legislators passed a resolution urging similar action by federal leaders.
The spike rose highest in precisely those urban areas that I was urging people to leave!
Rep. Charles Bass spoke briefly after Bush, urging the crowd to vote for the Texas governor.
Social conservatives are not just urging Republicans to take a stand on moral issues.
But Netscape executives were quick to dampen enthusiasm, urging analysts not to raise their earnings estimates.
The government is advocating "zero tolerance" and urging schools to collaborate in tackling poor behaviour.
BBC: NEWS | UK | Education | Teachers seek help over violence
Rano's TV messages urging parents to keep their children in school have been well received.
The National Public Health Service for Wales (NPHSW) is urging parents to vaccinate their children.