After remaining in your bladder for 15 minutes, the solution is expelled through urination.
CNN: Interstitial cystitis
Type 1 and type 2 diabetes mellitus are diseases that have in common, sugar in the urine and the increased urination.
CNN: What's the difference between type 1 and type 2 diabetes?
Through the clinic, women who have been sewn up can undergo a surgical reversal called deinfibulation, allowing a normal birth and urination.
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Having solved the problem of urination, however, most of those paralysed by spinal-cord injury would like to be able to move again.
ECONOMIST: We can rebuild him. We have the technology
Unfortunately, the operation often causes nerve damage which can make it nigh-on-impossible for men to achieve erection afterwards, or maintain complete control over urination.
BBC: Prostate cancer
Patients with prediabetes may have no symptoms at all, but some people experience problems associated with diabetes like blurred vision, unusual thirst and frequent urination.
WSJ: Wider Testing to Fight Diabetes Before It Hits
We typically progress in the following order as we treat mild to severe heart failure: First, we treat with salt-restricted diets, then with diuretics such as furosemide, which increases urination.
CNN: Could childhood chemo cause heart problems for an adult?
Patients who develop diabetes mellitus most commonly have initial symptoms of increased thirst, increased urination and blurred vision due to high amounts of sugar in the fluids of the eye.
CNN: What's the difference between type 1 and type 2 diabetes?
Trouble with bowel movements or urination or walking?
In a late-stage clinical trial, trospium met all the goals Indevus (nasdaq: IDEV - news - people ) had set for it, reducing urination frequency and the number of times patients lost bladder control.
FORBES: Magazine Article
Prostatitis often causes painful or difficult urination.
CNN: Prostatitis