Now the replica has been built, it will be dismantled and shipped to a US air force base in North Carolina.
BBC: 'Cornish Spitfire' heads for US
Only last month, it fired one in the Gulf of Mexico towards a test range at the Eglin US Air Force Base in western Florida.
BBC: cruise launch as seen through HMS Trafalgar's periscope
It saw the Landsat-8 mission hurtle skywards on an Atlas rocket from the US Air Force base at Vandenberg shortly after 10:00 local time (18:00 GMT).
BBC: Lift-off for latest Landsat mission
As his family lived close to Greenham Common in Berkshire - a former air-force base where nuclear-armed US planes were stationed in the 1980s - Mr Cameron said he had also been aware of the arguments about nuclear weapons and Britain's defence.
BBC: UK Politics
In Tampa, Mrs Kelley has served as an unpaid "social liaison", helping to organise gatherings at MacDill Air Force Base, which is the home of US Central Command.
BBC: David Petraeus affair: Who's who