Crowd Funding may be an answer, at least if the US Senate comes on board.
The US Senate has finally and formally approved the appointment of General Keith B.
FORBES: Cyber Command Appointment Offers More Questions Than Answers
Consumer advocate Elizabeth Warren has announced her run for the US Senate in Massachusetts.
The US Senate committee that oversees homeland security and disaster preparedness is beginning an investigation.
The US Senate has approved a bill seeking to ban insider trading by members of Congress.
It was approved by the US Senate in December and by the Russian parliament last month.
Brown was elected because he pledged to block Obamacare in the US Senate.
CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: The Scott Brown Precedent and Israel
The US Senate Select Committee on Intelligence put the incident down to poor planning and judgement, and recommended its suspension.
On Tuesday, a lack of support forced the US Senate to drop a plan to ban high-capacity magazines and assault weapons.
Federal gun control legislation, meanwhile, has stalled in Congress amid strong opposition from the NRA and its allies in the US Senate.
The US Senate has been hearing testimony from executives at LexisNexis, a database and information company owned by publishing giant Reed Elsevier.
BBC: Identity theft is taking some of the shine off credit cards
Dr Holdren was confident that that a similar bill would be passed by the US Senate in time for the Copenhagen summit meeting.
Stevens is the longest-serving Republican in the US Senate and he faces seven counts of failing to report gifts on his disclosure forms.
Meanwhile, on Wednesday the US Senate armed services committee delayed a vote on the confirmation of former Senator Chuck Hagel as defence secretary.
The US Senate has approved Senator John Kerry's nomination as secretary of state, after he was backed unanimously by the foreign relations committee.
The US Senate has confirmed Mary Jo White as the new head of the Securities and Exchange Commission, the body that regulates Wall Street.
The House passed the measure by a 354 to 67 vote, while the US Senate approved it on Friday afternoon by unanimous consent.
They were due to the federal government running out of funds before a new budget was finally agreed by the US Senate on 20 March.
But the US Senate recently ditched the proposed ban on assault weapons and on high-capacity magazines, saying there was not enough support for the measure.
They will have listened to him on TalkSport and they will have seen him confront the US Senate in one of YouTube's favourite ever political clips.
The settlement had been widely expected following a report by the US Senate, published earlier this year, that was heavily critical of HSBC's money laundering controls.
This may also explain why Carly Fiorina, the Republican candidate for US Senate, is trailing the incumbent, Barbara Boxer, despite low approval ratings for Ms Boxer.
Chief executive Tim Cook told a US Senate committee Apple paid all the taxes it owed, complying with both the law, and the spirit of the law.
Polls have shown a rapid rise in support for same-sex marriage in the US, and President Barack Obama and most US Senate Democrats now back same-sex marriage.
BBC: Rhode Island to legalise gay marriage after Senate vote
At first KPMG resisted, providing legal counsel for its employees and sending three of its partners to defend the shelters before a November 2003 US Senate hearing.
Mr Kerry, former Massachusetts senator and 2004 Democratic presidential candidate, has spent almost three decades in the US Senate as a member of the Foreign Relations Committee.
BBC: John Kerry urges Syrian opposition to attend Rome talks
Also on Tuesday's ballot were 11 state governorships, a third of the seats in the 100-member US Senate and all 435 seats in the House of Representatives.
On Wednesday, the US Senate approved General Gordon as security supremo, an appointment which has been held up by Democrats in a bureaucratic row over his exact role.
In testimony before the US Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, FBI Director Louis Freeh said in January 1998 that without a key-recovery system, maintaining order would be impossible.