• The three small black rectangles each year are the observed global temperature histories in common use.

    FORBES: Move up http://i.forbesimg.com t Move down

  • Mr. HARDY: If it's a weapon that is not in common use, then it can be banned.

    NPR: Supreme Court Strikes Down D.C. Handgun Ban

  • Unfortunately, for the drugs in common use, only a limited number have been studied to determine what genes are responsible.

    FORBES: The Power Of Digitizing Human Beings

  • Their use is now common in America when the financial stakes are high or when the criminal defendants are rich.

    ECONOMIST: American juries

  • He was the first to import television screens and cameras to communicate with the offstage band, a device now in common use.

    ECONOMIST: Gilbert Kaplan

  • Those made by his firm use advanced laser-fluorescence technology: more accurate, simpler, cheaper and more robust, he says, than the gas-chromatography apparatus in common use so far.

    ECONOMIST: Doom and gloom are not universal

  • Revolutionary at the time, RoundUp came to dominate the market because it was highly effective but broke down quickly, making it less toxic than other herbicides in common use.

    FORBES: Survival Instinct: Businesses Must Watch Out For Mother Nature

  • But by the mid-1800s North America was in common use for mere geography, and by roughly 1900 the sheer weight of the much enlarged United States had enabled it to annex America as its own.

    ECONOMIST: Johnson

  • Justice Antonin Scalia's majority opinion said that citizens were guaranteed a right to keep firearms that were in common use in their homes for self-defense, but that the government could pass reasonable regulations concerning firearms and ammunition.

    WSJ: Jeffrey Scott Shapiro: A Gun Ban That Misfired

  • The only common use in cardiology for MRI scanners, which cost millions of pounds each to install, is in the diagnosis of babies with congenital heart defects, where exact details of the layout of the tiny heart are vital to successful surgery.

    BBC: angiography300

  • There are various advantages cited for this type of reactor, including the claim that it can be stopped easily if things get out of hand, and that it produces less long-lived nuclear waste than the uranium-fuelled fission reactors that are currently in common use.

    FORBES: Thorium Nuclear Power -- A Lesson From Norway

  • The reason why possession of small quantities of cocaine or ecstasy is not treated as a serious offence is because, like it or not, the casual use of these drugs is now as common as use of cannabis became in the 1970s.

    ECONOMIST: Daft about drugs

  • In June, education ministers will meet in Brasilia to discuss the use of new technology in schools, development of common school testing systems, and teacher exchanges.

    ECONOMIST: Sound curriculum: but can the Americas put it into effect?

  • Further, Europe is especially important to the platinum market since diesel-powered vehicles are popular on the continent and this requires the use of platinum, whereas gasoline-powered cars more common in the U.S. and China can use less-expensive palladium.

    FORBES: FOCUS: Platinum Slides To Five-Week Low As Other Metals Fall, Amplats Workers Return

  • One, Mars Climate Orbiter, had a particularly humiliating crash, because the fault lay with a group of engineers who, in defiance of common sense, had continued to use imperial units of measurement in their calculations when all around had adopted the metric system.

    ECONOMIST: Exploring Mars

  • Foster would learn from those too, but his immersion in common language and use translates into a feeling of rightness, which works as completely in small structures as in large.


  • Heller created a panic among gun-control advocates because it condoned the ownership of semiautomatic handguns, which are among the most common firearms in use but also the target of many restriction efforts.

    WSJ: Jeffrey Scott Shapiro: A Gun Ban That Misfired

  • Since 2008, Spangenberg and his company TQP have launched suits against hundreds of firms, claiming that their use of a common cryptographic protocol in the HTTPS-encrypted portions of their web properties violates the patent invented by Jones and acquired by TQP in 2006.

    FORBES: Meet The Texas Lawyer Suing Hundreds Of Companies For Using Basic Web Encryption

  • This cemented Lynch as the everyman's hero because the book convinced millions of investors that you didn't need to be a quant or investing savant to find so-called "10 bagger" stocks (stocks that go up tenfold.) Just use common sense and invest in things you see everyday and understand.

    FORBES: Peter Lynch: 10-Bagger Tales

  • Though the use of such laws is not common in countries with claims to modernity, it is far from unique to Malaysia.

    ECONOMIST: The shaming of Malaysia

  • The one factor they all have in common is excessive khat use, which leads us to believe there is huge evidence of medical harm.

    BBC: Somalis urge government to ban khat

  • "For 80 percent of the common chemicals in everyday use in this country we know almost nothing about whether or not they can damage the brains of children, the immune system, the reproductive system, and the other developing organs, " said Dr. Phil Landrigan, a pediatrician and director of the Children's Environmental Health Center at Mount Sinai School of Medicine.

    CNN: Toxic chemicals finding their way into the womb

  • The jury soon became standard in criminal and civil cases at common law, and its use spread with the British empire, nowhere more so than in the American colonies.

    ECONOMIST: American juries

  • He initiated community action to manage the use of Sangade, a common grazing area in Irob.

    UNESCO: Title

  • But what many projects have in common is the music they use Gregorian chant and Mozart.

    ECONOMIST: Music as healing

  • Two important things happened on the wireless Internet front last week, both of which will, in time make wireless Internet use far more common than it already is.

    FORBES: Wireless Standards On The Move

  • Although these sets of tools differ in important respects, they have one aspect in common: They all make use of the asset side of the Federal Reserve's balance sheet.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • According to Brookes, the latter use of literally - which is especially common in an informal context - sometimes does not add anything to the meaning of a sentence.

    BBC: Why is 'literally' such a troublesome word?

  • Generally LED bulbs use either a combination red, green and blue LEDs to create white light, or they use a phosphor coating (more common) in combination with a blue LED.


  • "As the public become more educated about what's going on in medical testing, most people use their common sense that this is something that should be encouraged'" Mr Garnier said.

    BBC: UK demo against Huntingdon Life Sciences

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