I'm quite used to seeing insulin injections on children and it looked like one of those.
That will have the people that you are used to seeing at that meeting.
Donnelley are used to seeing him avoid the cushy chairs in meeting rooms at the Chicago headquarters.
When we lose our interest in anything different from what we are used to seeing or doing?
Lefty hitters like Ortiz and Thome got used to seeing the infielders clumped up in right field.
Although people may be used to seeing them, not many in the Western world actually scan them.
We are used to seeing and hearing that Greek voters will not accept austerity at current levels.
Never use a metaphor, simile or other figure of speech which you are used to seeing in print.
The people weren't used to seeing Westerners around, so they either had a quick look or completely ignored me.
As an elementary school principal, Leonidas Nikas is used to seeing children play, laugh and dream about the future.
But what happened in soccer last week was remarkable even by the standards of what we're used to seeing.
WSJ: Bradford City and Luton Town Are the Cinderellas of English Soccer
But what happened in soccer this week was remarkable even by the standards of what we're used to seeing.
WSJ: Bradford City and Luton Town Are the Cinderellas of English Soccer
They are too used to seeing enlargement as a charitable gift from a rich West to its poorer neighbours.
It sounds simple enough, but this powerful mono-saturation confuses the eyes, which are used to seeing a wide array of colours together.
Like other small countries, Georgia is used to seeing its fate decided elsewhere.
The BBC's Catherine Byaruhanga in Kampala says Ugandans are used to seeing the president hand out money at public events.
We're used to seeing a new generation of a product that instantly and irrevocably makes the previous one look tame.
"We're not used to seeing her like that because she used to wear high heels and a low dress, " Maret said.
But those kids at SXSW are only used to seeing Macbooks and iPads on the TV shows and movies they watch.
Ms. SUE EVANS: I was kind of used to seeing a lot of musicians come through, but he was a little different.
We are used to seeing footballers in the United Kingdom living in luxurious gated communities, away from the prying eyes of the press.
Industry pundits used to seeing web pages displayed on crisp, high-resolution computer monitors slammed the service for fuzzy graphics and nearly unreadable text.
Syracuse will confront Indiana on Thursday with its 2-3 zone, typically tough for teams that aren't used to seeing that sort of system.
We are used to seeing a sort of steampunk grotesque in movies, digitally created, but here the inventions are real stitched, nailed and glued.
WSJ: High-Concept Enchantments: Review of Shoe Obsession at the Museum at FIT
"Tomb Raider's" developers knew that they faced challenges in portraying such an iconic figure so differently from what people are used to seeing.
Fashion billionaire Tory Burch is used to seeing her name all over the place: on your ballet flats, your skirt, your fashion magazines.
FORBES: World's Richest Moms Tory Burch, Meg Whitman, Even Oprah Make Motherhood Work
In LA, you get used to seeing film shoots happening all over the place, and having to sort of walk or drive around them.
Indiana (29-7), like most teams outside the Big East, isn't used to seeing that sort of thing, and it showed right from the outset.
Moreover, the Portuguese have become used to seeing their governments complete full terms, and may punish an opposition party that provokes an early election.