"I used to be the life of the party, " said Rodriguez, who used to freelance as a radio disc jockey.
Kidney transplant recipient Sally Satel has noted that burial and cremation expenses can be provided when a body is donated to science -- as long as it isn't used to save the life of a current patient.
On the other hand, those creatures might just be too small to be caught easily by the filters used to winnow life from water for analysis in the first place.
It's taken some adjustment to get used to life in the public sector where criticism is abundant and there is little expectation of privacy.
This is similar to the exam used to screen life insurance applicants.
FORBES: Long-Term Care Insurance Becoming Tougher For Women To Purchase
The facility is used to portray what the firm thinks life might be like five to 10 years in the future.
As well as being used in art galleries to bring pictures to life, the app could be used by advertisers, educators and the media, he added.
In addition to the textbook, supplementary materials are also used to promote the learned literacy skills in daily life.
In these schemes, donors gave money to a charity and took a deduction, and the charity used the "donation" to fund a life insurance policy benefiting not only itself but the donor.
For retailers catering to the teenage market, life used to be a lot simpler.
Congress likely would have passed an AMT patch anyway, so it's arguable that this element--about 9% of the entire bill--crowds out spending that could have been better used to jolt the economy back to life.
Although I was lucky enough to have strong caregivers, I was completely unprepared for the psychology of recovery- having to hide my face, stay indoors, keep a low profile day in and day out as my body healed was so challenging, especially since I am normally used to living life in the opposite way: Loud and in your face.
Supposedly, the additional pension a person receives each month can be used to buy life insurance to protect the surviving spouse.
The larger-than-life footage used to generate the window effect has been given its own bump, too, and the app can now handle 4K video as long as the Mac underneath (sorry, Windows folks) is powerful enough to drive it.
ENGADGET: Winscape virtual window makes the leap to Kinect in 4K-capable, 6-screen glory (video)
The first time I heard the song, I began recalling the sense of hopelessness and desperation that used to haunt my life, and then the tears freely began to flow.
Pro-life and religious groups will ultimately feel that the bank signals the start of a commodification of human life and that the special status granted to human embryonic material - the requirement that it should be used only for research that would lead to the creation of life - has now changed.
BBC: Embryonic stem cells can be turned into any kind of cell
After an explosion in Apollo 13's service module cut off propulsion and power, the lunar excursion module (LEM) was used as a lifeboat to provide life support to the three astronauts, and the engine of its descent stage for course changes, until the command module could re-enter the atmosphere after a long coast around the moon.
Dr Pouladian-Kari said the parts would instead be used to protect human life against electrical faults such as short circuits, the jury heard.
The persona is going to get larger and larger, and more and more distant from him and the way he used to live his life.
The Democratic party used to fight for the middle class, including quality of life issues such as health care, the environment, fair wages, and education in their platform.
FORBES: Forget President Obama: Why Isn't Robert Reich President?
In other words, an irrevocable life insurance trust (ILIT) can be used to purchase life insurance outside of the estate.
FORBES: Want to Avoid the Estate Tax Cliff? Five Ways to Help
Many Christian denominations marry the biblical creation narrative with scientific evidence by accepting evolution as the process God used to create life on Earth.
"I'd been a chief officer since I was 32, and working in local government at senior level is no picnic, so I was used to the rough and tumble of political life, " she said.
Although this drivel is copied during the first stage of the process by which genetic information is used to build the proteins that do the donkeywork of maintaining life, it is then cut out of the copies before they are transferred to the protein-making machinery.
ECONOMIST: The ��book of life�� may be missing half of its words
But that obsession to serve has now been replaced with an obsession to cut costs and keep prices low, which was just one of the methods Walton used to bring his cause to life.
FORBES: Has Wal-Mart Has Lost Touch With Its Populist Roots?
The USPTO examination process for design patents used to take over a year, which would often exceed the life expectancy or actual lifespan of many designs in the rapidly changing world of fashion.
These doctors are used to easy communication in the rest of their life with email, text, Facebook, etc.
Already in his fourth assignment, Father Malin has also had to get used to the transience of a priest's life.
Fracking is an underground procedure that has been used safely and succesfully for decades to extend the life of older oil wells.
While Kate becomes used to life as a member of the royal family, joining the Queen for special events, Prince William has been kept busy by his RAF commitments.