On the other hand, the price-to-book ratio is a useful measure of value, and most researchers agree that this ratio is strongly correlated with stock price performance.
This might make sense to accountants, but it is not a very useful way for investors to value businesses.
We need to maximize value and be useful as soon as possible.
But we cannot, cannot and get any useful answers, deploy turnover against value added.
FORBES: Occupy London: Falling at the First Step for GDP != Turnover
To the contrary, in their useful lives they added exceptional shareholder value in earnings and lifetime contribution.
Its scarcity value makes it a useful store of wealth.
WSJ: In Thailand, Those Seeking A Golden Glow Rush to the Spa
Similarly, money is useful for better enabling investors to place value on ideas with an eye on allocating credit to its highest use.
FORBES: A Gold Standard Would Be Great, But It's Not a Deficit Cure
An investor with a natural affinity for value investing may find it useful to own a quality growth-oriented fund (and vice versa for growth investors) as a counter-balance to their own natural inclinations.
Still, besides being a stirring reaffirmation of the First Amendment, the entertainment value frequently is high, and useful information occasionally is conveyed.
FORBES: Thinking Of Buying An Indexed Annuity? Read This First
Even in an imperfect system, the nuisance value of a threatened lawsuit is a useful weapon for the weak.
The most useful aspect of this similarity is that it confirms the value of studying meteorites.
The guidelines suggest, for example, that an app could be rejected if it isn't useful or doesn't provide lasting entertainment or other value.
First, he claims that accounting for swings in the value of derivatives will not tell investors anything useful about the underlying nature of firms' hedging.
From the initial phases of his model, you could discover value by accident when you do not have a plan for the type of value you receive but on experimentation discover something useful.
FORBES: Constellation Research Group's Maturity Model for Social Business
Some 43%, according to one poll, consider experience of running a business (ie, Ms Whitman) more useful for the governor's job, whereas 44% value experience of running government (Mr Brown).
International transfer passengers who never leave the airport are useful to the airline industry, but they are of little wider economic value.
These tools may be useful in identifying people considered to be industry experts who would be of value to engage with and might be able to help spread your brands message.
FORBES: Klout Vs. Kred: Which, If Any, Is Better For Your Business?
But the tactic has a mixed record: little value in the Balkans, largely ineffectual in southern Iraq, more useful when protecting Kurds who had their own military forces.
Probably not, given the slew of addictively fun and useful smart phone options that consumers have access to now, but there still is some value to be found in Canada-based Research In Motion Limited, maker of the Blackberry handset.
The philosophy that secrets are useful mainly to indecent people is awfully convenient for Schmidt as the CEO of a company whose value proposition revolves around info-hoarding.
Alliances seem even more useful when companies are not potential rivals at all, but firms that are at different points on the same value chain.