Today, the average customer speaks to his utility company for less than 10 minutes a year.
In one 2003 Plumbers case, against utility company AES, the lawyers took no fee.
This summer he plans to roll out a wine label, a utility company and an online brokerage.
The hardest-hit areas included Plymouth, Bristol, Essex, Norfolk and Suffolk counties in Massachusetts, the utility company said.
The 2.5-acre property has a 51-panel solar system with a 20-year assignable contract with utility company Xcel Energy.
Spokesman Jim Allen said the TVA, the nation's largest publicly owned utility company, is "on track" to correct the problems.
"Energy independence implies 'I'll never get a bill from the utility company again', " notes Keith Field, spokesman for Chatsworth, Calif.
Tata Steel has reined back some activities (it no longer makes ice or shoes) and created a separate utility company.
The government and the utility company, Chubu Electric, had been trying to build this plant, against local opposition, for 37 years.
If you are unhappy with the utility company, who do you fire?
It would be similar to citizens utility boards, which are effective non-profits organized on the state level to fight utility company abuses.
The report said the utility company was using community partnerships, watershed management, and flexible payment options to boost access to clean water.
Maybe you have one of the newer utility meters that automatically collect information on consumption and relay it back to the utility company.
The site has been a priority for nuclear power companies, which say the department is ignoring the waste piling up at utility company sites.
If you are experiencing a money crunch, talk to your landlord or utility company and see if they can help reduce payments for that month.
The European Offshore Wind Deployment Centre (EOWDC) project is a joint venture by utility company Vattenfall, engineering firm Technip and Aberdeen Renewable Energy Group (Areg).
Not only do you have to think about calling the utility company, you have worry about getting a new email address and Twitter handle.
FORBES: Inviting Google to the Wedding: Your Online Name Change
It's the world's third-largest water utility company with 25 million customers.
ConEdison, the largest utility company in the region, noted that Hurricane Sandy knocked down more than 100, 000 primary electrical wires and thousands of secondary wires.
The winners were a science teacher from Florida and utility company employee from New Jersey who is also the mother of a child with Down syndrome.
In New York City and Westchester County, about 275, 000 customers of the Consolidated Edison utility company were still cut off as of 07:30 on Saturday (11:30 GMT).
Ten states (Alabama, Idaho, Kansas, Michigan, Nebraska, Ohio, South Dakota, Texas, Utah), along with four motor industry trade associations and two utility company coalitions, opposed granting that authority.
This Canadian utility company supplies natural gas and electricity to customers in Canada, the U.S. and the U.K. It reorganized several years back, but earnings continued to grow.
Utility company Cemig, a defensive stock, is down 14 percent.
Difficult conditions have led the utility company to evacuate around 730 of the 800 workers from the site, making clean up and safety operations even harder to perform.
In fact, shortly after returning to New Orleans, when much of the city was dark, he convinced the utility company to divert electricity to the neighborhood around his church.
WHITEHOUSE: Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month
Southern Company ( SO - news - people ) as the largest utility company in the U.S. (See If the Recovery Fizzles, Seek Safety in Utilities).
Those expectations are awfully high for a utility company.
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And in the first merger announcement made since the World Trade Center and Pentagon attacks, American Water Works, an investor-owned water company, has agreed to be acquired by German-based utility company RWE.
The new company will have a generating capacity of about 57, 000 megawatts, outstripping Southern Company as the largest utility company in the U.S. (See If the Recovery Fizzles, Seek Safety in Utilities).