But the leader of a third Flemish party accused both parties of seeking "Utopia".
He labelled one region Eden, another Elysium, others, on later maps, Arcadia and Utopia.
All the action takes place in a retro-looking, pastel-colored urban utopia a sort of mythical happy place.
The revanchists in our society would like to go back to some pre-New Deal fictional Utopia.
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Trouble, as always, is that there are some major speed-bumps on the way to fuel-free utopia.
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Hacker utopia can take on forms that the non-cyberpunk world might not be ready to accept.
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An army is marching into California an army made up of penniless unemployed, desperately seeking Utopia.
" Until this utopia comes to pass, it might be wise to take another look at "society.
They want some of that lost world back, kidding themselves that it was a sort of Utopia.
Hannah imagines that Taylor, a populist, will liberate his country and make of it a socialist utopia.
Fan Jinggang, who runs a left-wing website and bookshop in Beijing, both named Utopia, is one of them.
FARC-dominated southern jungles suggest that the United States may not be ready to wait until that utopia arrives.
Eventually, Peterson rallied and began to farm organically a painstaking, unprofitable endeavor that eventually grew into a bountiful agronomic utopia.
But is there anyone who actually wants to live in a Wellsian Utopia?
News From Nowhere is a sort of goody-goody version of the Wellsian Utopia.
Not an issue of cruelty or insensitivity or lack of dream for Utopia, but a simple matter of economics.
Progressives were idealists and optimists, seeking an egalitarian Utopia and confident that schools were making good progress towards it.
Well, fifty years later we are still waiting for the utopia to materialise.
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Ever since the Elvis Presley Hawaii movies of the 1950s, Swedes have considered Hawaii to be the ultimate tropical utopia.
He is not offering a Tory Utopia, but better management and greater efficiency: a different emphasis rather than a revolution.
One of the first things we need to do is recognize that utopia is not possible on this side of eternity.
He and his team computed z-scores for each variable and country, and averaged them to create the Workers Utopia Index.
The city's concrete jumble is far less pretty than the utopia on his screen, but it has the same village-like feel.
Engels needed to believe in a time when the Communist utopia had been, and could again be, reconciled with human nature.
Kibbutz Bahan in the Hefer Valley region closed down its old dairy and chicken farms to open the Utopia Orchid Park.
This kind of whimsical, lethargic atmosphere has cemented the image of Santa Cruz (pop. 250, 000) as a bohemian utopia by the sea.
Utopia claims that the police have promised to take the case seriously.
The Utopia proved to be a bland and soulless set of blocks organised in myriad sectors, lacking any kind of human warmth or naturalness.
Though their critique of technology seems impracticably romantic, the luxurious settings suggest that the utopia they seek is surprisingly real and near at hand.
Unless westerners become enlightened rulers a utopia your recipe needs an additional ingredient: bolstered multilateralism, with an independent army democratically controlled by all the world's democracies.